Saturday, August 28, 2010

My ukulele is my life now...

So today.. my bestest friend Katie aka Lavender Gooms (not to be confused with my bestest friend Katie aka Katie Wan John Silver) moved away from me to a little place I (along with the rest of the world) like to call Logan, Utah. I wish I got to go with her. Mhm. I do. I like that place. Well... actually I did go with her to help her move all her stuff into her new dwelling place... where she will live. And dwell. Go figure. This event makes rainbows everywhere frown. It makes the draper area very lonely. And more specifically, a certain Amy Jo very excruciatingly lonely. :( :( :( I miss Logan. And Utah State.

Don't get me wrong, I love my new school. Sorta. I like classes. But I'm not really a fan of the school itself. Or the people. Or the area. OR MY ROOMMATES! *inner rage* Ahem. Anyway, Katie has been my go to person when I've needed to escape this wretched apartment. Now what will I do?? WHO KNOWS?!

I now spend all my time sitting on my bed, being a bum, playing my ukulele. Hence why it is my life now. I've learned like 40 new songs. (Most of which have been featured in an episode of glee... heh). And the time warp from rocky horror picture show! I'm so awesome! I'm going to have to call my friend Yentruoc and sing them to her. She will enjoy my show... even though I'm really not as good as I tell everyone I am. But she understands me so she will get it.

SO. My roommates... told me they were going to be gone camping all weekend. HOORAY, right? No. Well.. yes. If that had actually happened it would have been a great big slice of hoorah pie. But no. They came back early. And they brought friends! AAAHHHHH. My roommates themselves being here is bad enough.. but when they bring friends... I kind of want to go on a rampage and shoot someone in the foot. or the earlobe. or anywhere really. But I won't. Don't worry. I'm not a murderer. :) I just sometimes want to do that.

So instead of being able to enjoy my weekend I'm now being forced to hide out in my room avoiding them... but it's not a very good hiding spot because I share it with one of the roommates. Blech.

Now that I've complained a lot, I'm going to tell a happy store. About a bunny, perhaps. :)

Once upon a time, there was a squirrel named Frederico. Frederico was a generally chipper relative to a chipmunk. (Are squirrels related to chipmunks? That just seemed to go better with chipper than squirrel did...). Anyway, Frederico liked to run around and eat nuts. Once upon a time, there was also a fluffy bunny rabbit named Vladimir. But Vladimir the bunny was merely an innocent bystander to the events that happen in this story. I just said earlier this might be about a bunny so I felt it necessary to include one. So Vladimir hopped into the story... and then right back out, exciting stage left in a very bunny-like manner. So Frederico ran about searching for nuts. He spied a very nice girl named Amy Jo. Being a very friendly squirrel, he bounded up to her, but not in a scary or menacing manner so don't worry she was not scared of him! Frederico waved his little hand (paw?)... DIGITS at her. She waved back and then went on her merry way. She was probably late for class or something like that, but it's not really important to the general flow of the plot line. A few hours later, Frederico saw two other girls. The did not look friendly. They looked inconsiderate, annoying, and crazy. Frederico considered them "Nuts," so he ate them. And the Amy Jo lived happily ever after. And Frederico got fat. THE END.

Lovely story wasn't it? Such is my life. Ciao!

-Amy Jo-

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This One's For You, Yentruoc!

So... this is me writing a blog because my dear friend Yentruoc (also known as Courtney) Cook told me to because she wants to hear about my life. No one else does I'm sure, but at least she informed me that she's interested in my desultory emprise (or random adventure... I like to use the thesaurus so shoot me). I did indeed check the exact definition of both of those words in case you were wondering. Straight from the dictionary itself:
Definition of DESULTORY

: marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
: not connected with the main subject
: disappointing in progress, performance, or quality

I thought this was fitting as a description of my life. Personally. haha. In kind of a satirical way.

Definition of EMPRISE

: an adventurous, daring, or chivalric enterprise

Also, in my opinion, quite fitting. I am currently having an adventurous, daring, or chivalric enterprise, thank you very much. ha. :)

So anyway, I guess the point of this is to babble on about my life. Well, folks, I am in culinary school. It's pretty legit. I like cooking. Obviously. Today I learned how to fabricate a chicken (that means to cut it up into various sections such as the breast, leg, wing, thigh, etc.). New favorite hobby? I think so. Sorry vegetarians, but it was pretty darn snazzy. I got to use my neat-o bandito boning knife and everything. I also made glazed carrots... which, if you must know, are pretty tasty. Yep. THEN I made (I in most of these cases meaning my group and I) the most heavenly potatoes on the face of the planet. Yummy. But alas I cannot give you the secret recipe that consists of sauteing potatoes (ours were pre-baked but I don't think that's a requirement for this dish) in whole butter and garlic... and probably more stuff. But I forget. Until they are nice and golden brown and HEAVEN ON A PLATE! Unless of course you choose to serve them in a bowl or something like that. In that case they would be considered HEAVEN IN A BOWL!

My life goes pretty much like this (since I know you are all so incredibly curious about the life of a culinary student):
Between 5:30 and 6 am my alarm buzzes in an annoying fashion causing me to groggily roll out of bed and turn it off before rudely awakening my roommate. From there I stumble around in the dark getting ready, donning my super cool ugly checkered pants and my totally awesome chef coat. If I do not have lab I wear a bright shirt underneath it so I can be an individual even though this is technically breaking the rules. But if it is lab day I have to wear a plain old boring white shirt. Ooh. Then I put on my ugly, kitchen approved, slip-resistant shoes and head out the door! Usually I forget my ID badge. This is a bad thing, because it means I cannot get into the building or through any of the doors. :( I need a better reminder system. Once I finally find a way into the building, I get to cook! For FIVE hours! Hooray! This is my favorite thing to do, I must admit. :)

Then... I come home. And try to avoid my roommates. (But I'm moving mid-sept. so I am excruciatingly pumped about that! YES!) Avoiding them doesn't usually work, so instead we do this awkward tango where we try to be at opposite ends of the apartment. It's so great. And Awkward. ha! (Courtney am I really just supposed to sit here and talk about my life? It's so... boring... for me... and anyone who reads this... how about I make up something exciting?)

After that... I go swimming... with SHARKS! In the deep blue Ocean! ...Yes, I travel from Utah to the ocean every day after class to go swimming with Sharks! I get there via pirate ship... and a private jet (but that's much less exciting). Sometimes the sharks try to eat me... but I just throw high quality dishes that I have prepared and plated into their waiting mouths. I only escape because of my expert culinary skills! Yeah! After that I spend my time sipping pina coladas with the penguins in Antarctica (but I don't touch the penguins or kill them... because it is a REALLY big fine to touch a penguin in the wild. How do I know this? The guy that sits behind me in Concepts and Theories wanted to know if you could eat a penguin so he googled it and that's what we found out). Occasionally as I sip my pina colada, I look up the ingredient lists for random foods such as spam! (salt, pork shoulder, and ham. That's really it. Nothing creepy. Less creepy than what's in a hot dog in fact!).

Okay... I'm really tired of talking about myself now. I'm just not that kind of person. Courtney, I tried. I will keep trying... but for now... this is all I can do. I just don't have my blogger's sea legs yet apparently. Such is life.

Well, I better be scootin'...

-Amy Jo-