Friday, September 17, 2010

Mooooooo-I'm-A-Cow-Ving Day!

So... I've told you a little about my CRAZY roommates, yeah? WELL.I've officially Mooooved. :) Sort of. Ha. It's complicated. Let me explain. After crying on the phone to my parents... a few times (okay... every day for a week)... they decided that this situation was, in fact, not the best. So.. my current dwelling place is an extended stay motel where I exist all alone. And you know what, I am perfectly okay with that! It's so great to be away from that scary place.
I'm pretty sure my moving abilities created the most awkward experience EVER. Ha. Here's how it went down. I waited until they left and started frantically throwing crap into my car... any of you who have seen me in my frantic state can probably picture how entertaining this was to my neighbors i'm sure... Well, I got halfway done, my parents got there, and we were 3/4 of the way loaded up when... dun dun dun the roommates came back. Aye. They didn't say a single word to me. They just sat in the kitchen while I loaded crap into my car. AWKWARD. Then, later when I went back to get my bike, they were totally talking about me when I walked in. SUPER AWKWARD. ha. It was so great. I'm so glad to be out of there. :) *BIG SMILES*
Today I went back while they were in class because I forgot something else. They wasted no time in redecorating. ha. And there's a ton of booze in the kitchen. I'm going to talk to the housing advisor so she can catch 'em. It's being prominently displayed and it doesn't look like they're going to be moving it any time soon. HA. Hahaha!
My life of solitude has been pretty handy as I've been studying for finals. Ugh. Not so excited about those! BUT... that means after next week I can go spend some time in IFtown before moving AGAIN into my new and more permanent place. ha. :)
Tonight I am having a dinner date with the love of my life, Miss Magic Maddie.(ha. haven't used that nickname for her in YEARS) And it's apparently a double dinner date with Celeste and her boy too. At cafe rio. woo. So if anyone is going to be in Provo in an hour, meet us at Cafe Rio? Come crash the party? Yeah? No? It's okay... no one reads this anyway. Except maybe Yentruoc... and then only rarely I'm sure. ha. Anyway, I have to go so I can print of directions to Maddie's and make it to Provo by 5! Ciao!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nobody is Gonna Rain on My Parade...

Today, I lost my debit card. :( Poo! Actually I apparently lost it the other day and just didn't know it until today. I spent my entire afternoon calling every place that I went yesterday to see if they had found it. None of them had. Double poo! Now I have torn my whole apartment apart and my car and searched EVERYWHERE. It is no where to be found. Sad day. Now I have to call the bank tomorrow. My favorite hobby. Especially when I do not remember my password dealy-thing-a-ma-jig. oops!

In other news, I don't think my roommate takes showers. I think you should know this. Why do I think this? Well, I get up bright and early at 6am. I shower. And go to class. On mondays, when I return at 10 am she is still asleep... and when she gets up, she doesn't shower. On Tuesdays, I am there all day... (except for the same hours that she is at class) and no shower. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I get up at 6am and shower. Then get home at noon and shower again. She is generally still in her pajamas with hardcore bed head. No shower. I've seen (well haven't seen that would be gross) her shower exactly ONCE the whole time I've been here. It's been 2 months... And trust me, I'm (unfortunately) here a lot. CREEEEPY. I don't believe she usually showers at night either. Because generally I'm here at night... and trust me, she comes into the room and I wake up... She turns on the lights and everything and then I can't go back to sleep. No showering happens. Fortunately, I haven't spent enough time with her to notice an odor... but these are just my observations. She also refuses to change the toilet paper roll... like seriously. You know that point where there is like one square left and no one wants to use it because then they'll have to change the roll? She does that... a lot. I tested it one day... (well over a course of 3 days actually) I left the one little sheet and stuck a roll in my drawer so I wouldn't be creepy.. it remained one sheet for like 3 days. GROSS. And I was a snoop and looked in her drawer... no toilet paper. I am a little afraid of these personal hygiene issues..

OH! Guess what! I think my roommates are having another drinking party tonight. Grrrreat. They are my favorite things. Let me tell you a little story about drinking parties in my apartment. Once upon a time there was a girl named... let's just call her Topanga. She lived in an apartment with a bunch of crazy girls (a bunch meaning two). The two crazy girls, who we will call tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber, decided to have a drinking party that lasted into the weeeee hours. This was very annoying to roommate Topanga who doesn't drink and also enjoys sleeping at night (though thank goodness Topanga did not have class at 7 am the next morning). The next morning, bright and early (though not really so bright because it's becoming the time of day when mornings are dark) but early nevertheless, Topanga decided to be a VERY thoughtful and respectful roommate. Early, early, early she decided to wake up, turn on all the lights! And make lots and lots of loud noise! Best remedy for a hangover right? :D This made tweedle dumb and tweedle dumberer very UN-happy, therefore making Topanga a VERY happy camper. The end. Wasn't that a lovely story? It might just become a true story if things get bad enough. Just sayin'. Now they're discussing how the guy that's here is still planning on driving himself home tonight. Stay off the roads tonight, kiddos. Be safe. Stay inside.

The good parts of my day though, I successfully integrated "My biological clock is ticking and I want babies NOW!" into a conversation that wasn't about Shakespeare abridged. I feel like my life is a success. Don't you even think about asking how I integrated that phrase into an actual conversation... but I did it. And only one person in the world is ever going to know how I did it. So good for her. Sorry for everyone else.

Oh, I also (in order to escape my roommates) have taken a liking to going to the park and sitting beneath a tree reading a book. Today it was COOOLD though. Fall is in the air! There are little boys learning how to play flag football and little girls learning soccer! It's the best time of year to be a little kid! ...Unfortunately I have to ACT like a GROWN UP! EEW. But don't worry... I'm not a grown up (Shout out to the Pan Cast) I just have to ACT like one sometimes because that's what THESPIANS do. Yes.

I have Don't rain on my parade stuck in my head. Hence the title. I also like the word Hence. Hence my overuse of it. :) Ta-da! *jazz hands*

OH! TODAY! I achieved greatness in my lab class. :) *big smiles* We had kind of an iron chef competition where we got 3 ingredients (a protein, veg, and starch) and had to make a meal out of them. Usually we have between 3-4 people in our groups, but today my group consisted of only me and one other girl! We were terrified for our ingredients. Luckily we got some pretty easy stuff. Chicken and broccoli... but then, we got Blugar Wheat. What the heck is bulgar wheat?! I don't even know. We tried to read about it on the package... but all it really said was that it's SUPER healthy. It had a recipe on the back of the package, but our "common cart" (the only place we could get other ingredients) didn't have any of the ingredients for it... So... I kind of cheated a little bit and googled it from my phone. I honestly didn't get much help. But, the first recipe it listed was for a pilaf. Pilaf is generally done with rice, but hey there was a recipe for bulgar wheat pilaf... so it couldn't be that bad right? We ended up going with that. We first made vegetable stock for our pilaf (that was a really good strong stock, i was impressed). Oh, and our assignment was to make this plate with a veg, starch, and protein... and then if we had time we were supposed to try to make an appetizer or a dessert. We decided since there were only two of us and we had to make stock, we weren't going to do that. So we had a super simple dish. But we made this pilaf... IT WAS SOOO GOOD. Chef's words for it were "It's a little untraditional... but it's surprisingly really good." I'll take that. Everything else was easy. Sauteed the chicken and parboiled and sauteed the broccoli. Topped it all with a Mornay sauce. it was pretty darn tasty. The picture does NOT give it justice by the way... it was really a lot better looking than that. And it tasted so good! Kelsey (my teammate) and I pretty much ate our whole pot of it. Heh. It was a lot of carbs. But it was good carbs! ha. yeah that's pretty much my life. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who Doesn't Love Labor Day Weekend?

Absolutely no one. EVERYONE loves labor day weekend. What the heck is labor day even for? Seriously? It's just because no one wants to do anything that day so we're all like okay let's make up this holiday so we can not go to work! And so we can go to the fair! ha! :) Let's just say if I was a fan of becoming a fan of things on facebook... I would be a fan of Labor day. It's so great. :)

Now I bet you're all curious what I did to celebrate this amazing holiday?! Right Right?! No? Oh well you get to hear about it anyway! WOOT!. Since my weekends start on Thursday, we shall start there.

In class, I learned how to fillet a salmon. A HUGE salmon. Notice my beautiful salmon dish? Purdy huh? Anyway, that was like... SO INTENSE. But it wasn't quite as fun as fabricating a chicken. That was probably the most legit thing EVER. ha.

So after class, I hopped in my car and headed straight to Logan, UT! (GO AGGIES) Okay, actually first I went home and took a shower and then went to the post office and the gas station and THEN headed to Logan. My AC in my car is broken. Do you know how much fun that is when it is H-O-T HOT outside? Blech-tastic. So there I was cruising down the freeway at 75 with no AC. At least I had the Glee soundtrack to keep me entertained for my 2ish hour drive. hour and a half? Whatever. My drive to Logan.

I get there. Hit up my brother and he buys me FOOOOOD. YES. We talk. Hang out. Chill a little bit. But since it's Thursday he has like homework and stuff so we didn't chill for very long. But it was fun to see him and what not. Wooo.

After that I went to see one of my best friends! "Utah Katie!" Boy was I glad to see her. She moved to Logan and left me in this HORRIBLE place all by myself. :( So it was fun to see her. :) YAY! We walked, more like trudged, up a STEEP STEEP hill to campus. HOORAY for UTAH STATE! I've missed that place. There were cute boys EVERYWHERE! Not like at my school where they are all... artistic and kind of creepy. Sorry, but I'm not a fan of tattoos and piercings. Personally. Don't think that's attractive. Anyway, there were these really hot guys EVERYWHERE! I was instantly in love with Logan all over again! Aye. I miss it! (I just wish I had been carrying a pineapple. Oh. Good memories. But that's a story for another blog. just sayin').

Katie and I had to go visit one of our favorite spots on campus. The tree. There's this really great tree by the engineering building. It's absolutely PERFECT for climbing! So we did. We climbed it and sat barefoot and talked and just had a generally WONDERFUL time. Even though some girl gave us a dirty look. I don't even know why all I did was smile and wave! I didn't know that was a cause for dirty looks. But maybe I'm wrong, eh?

After that Katie had to have a job interview so I went to visit some of my roomies from last year (the best roomies ever I might add) Cami Jo, Kim, and Ashley! They're so great. I've never seen Cami Jo so excited. It made me feel super duper special. I want to move in to their apartment. It's so much better than mine. And they are much better roommates too. Current roommates if you ever stumble across this... just know. YOU SUCK! That's kind of rude. but it's kind of true. I REALLY hate living here. *clears throat* ahem. Anyway. Old roommates. They're probably some of the sweetest girls I have ever met. yep. Cami Jo loaded me up with peanut butter snacks for my drive home (thank you!) AND bought me a HUGE HUGE HUGE waffle cone full of Aggie Ice Cream! YUMMY! And then she also provided me with a shout wipe when it melted all over my shirt! I was very sad when I had to leave them. And I really wish I was living in logan with them again. :(

The next day!! I got to see Idaho Katie and Courtney! I love them oh so very much! We went to Perkins and ate. A lot. ha! We had one of their yummy appetizer samplers. Plush mushrooms and fries for Katie and me. (Court just thinks we're weird when we do that). And we had Pie. Because eating pie is like being in heaven for the three minutes that it takes you to eat your pie, but then when it's done you have to come back to the real world that isn't really very much like heaven. hmpff. Anyway, we just hung out and talked more about all the boyfriends that Courtney steals. (Beware she's a boyfriend stealer). We then made plans to surprise everyone in Pocatello by making a surprise trip to see them hence how it was a plan to surprise everyone because it was a surprise trip. Got it? good.

First we kidnapped Justin. Except that it wasn't really first because first Courtney came and got me then we went and got Katie and then we listened to glee while we drove to Pocatello. Then we missed the turn and had to turn around, but we were on a one way street so we had to do a whole crazy loop thing! RIDICULOUS! Anyway, THEN we kidnapped Justin. And went to lunch. At "butterburr's" or as we like to call it "butterbutt's." Why do we call it that? I don't know. Maybe it's because Justin got the rump roast. I don't know. But I do know that there are many good jokes that can come from someone ordering the rump roast. Yes. Indeed. It's probably my new favorite food. The rump roast, that is. rump roast. rump roast. rump roast. I did that for Courtney because rump is her favorite word. When she reads this she'll be EXCITED because of how many times it says rump roast. ha.

I'm really tired of writing about myself now So I'm gonna tell you a story about a Camel named Bon Jovi. Once upon a time there was a camel named Bon Jovi. He liked to spit. Sometimes he liked to spit at people. Other times he liked to spit at other camels. And sometimes he spat at nothing at all. I guess you could say that if there was a facebook page dedicated to spitting, Bon Jovi would become a fan. One day Bon Jovi spit on a girl named Cleopatricia. This made cleopatricia VERY angry. So she yelled at Bon Jovi! Her breath was sooo stanky that Bon Jovi never wanted her to yell at him EVER again. So he stopped spitting at girls. Now he only spits at cowboys, squirrels, and windmills. The end.

Seriously though. I'm tired of talking about myself so I'm going to end this even though I didn't get through all of labor day weekend. This is a quick overview of what happened. I hung out in Pocatello and we played rockband and went to taco bell and sat in the grass quoting nacho libre until Steven started spitting on people... then we stopped.

When we got back to Idaho Falls, We went and visited GREG! We had a hard time finding his house because he moved far away from me... okay well not really far away from me (yet) but further away than like around the block and then a little bit like he used to be. We relived those awkward moments of when Greg first moved to IF and was a weirdy. Oh wait no. That was me who was a weirdy when Greg first moved to IF. My mistake. Then we talked about stars. And how one day the earth is just gonna appear next to a planet with other people just like us and we're all going to be like "YO, what up, homeskillet?!" And it will be really neat. :)

Then Sunday was just a normal Sunday. EXCEPT, since I wasn't at singles ward, I got to teach the 4 year old primary class. SO LEGIT. It was fun! Except they were little monsters (literally) they were pretending to be mummies and dinosaurs all of class. It was a hoot and a half. or something like that. Then I made a FEAST for my familia. And it was TASTY. :) YAY.

Monday I went to the fair. But I didn't see Katie even though she was supposedly there. :( Sad day. But I ate yummy food. Like TORTATOES! :) :) :) ;) :) :) YUMMEH! And I looked at cakes. And art. and other... stuff that you have at fairs. But mostly I just walked around and ate. OH. I bought a hat... from a missionary. That was pretty weird. ha. He and his companion were watching the shop while the lady went potty and got some lunch. But still... it was odd. I didn't know who to give the money to because usually they're all pushing me to buy things... and there were just these missionaries hanging around. Haha. But it was cool. I like missionaries. Yep. I do. Okay. Really. I'm done now. That was my overview. Sorry it lacks creativity and details. But yes. That is all.