Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Late nights and great friends

Well... I've been at it again. This whole vlogging thing. It's kind of fun. :) I have posted my second video for those of you who haven't seen it.

You can check it out here:

Another one will probably be uploaded by the end of today or tomorrow. :) My life is that interesting. Speaking of how interesting my life is, maybe I should fill you in on the stuff that's not going to appear in my vlog.

Yesterday, we had FHE and I have such a cool group. My roommate Nicole is our FHE "mom" and she's doing a great job (even though yesterday was just her first activity). It was even get to know you games and I had fun! I am super excited to see how this turns out. :)

After FHE we went to our friend's house and played in his pool. It was a blasty-blast. I obviously did not film this event because cameras + agua = no bueno. But we had fun playing ultimate football and Marco Polo. My team totally kicked butt at ultimate football. We had some great teamwork skills going down. It was sweet.

When we got done swimming, a few of us (Chase, Shawn, Staci, and I) went to Denny's for some post-swimming nourishment. It was really cool to just hang out and get to know them a little bit better. It was so much fun. :) I'm really loving this ward and all the people in it. We're seriously becoming such good friends.

We also saw someone being arrested when we got back to Provo at 2:30 am. It was pretty intense. There were literally like ten police cars surrounding this guy. If I find out what was going down I will definitely let you know.

Well that's all for now. See you later. Check out my youtube channel.


Thanks byeee.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well this is it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived! I posted a video on youtube. I'm hoping as time goes on I will get this whole vlogging thing down. I think it's really pretty fun. So... go watch me and my friends on youtube. and if you like... tell all your friends to watch my friends on youtube. Please and thank you. :)

I have decided to post all my videos (because I'm planning on making more) here as well as talk about my life... since that's what this is for and everything. So that being said.. here's an update on my life in WORDS.

It's been a fun experience getting some footage for my vlog. It seems like every time I get my camera out people have 2 different reactions. They either hide or act completely out of character and go crazy for the camera. These 2 factors make it almost impossible to get any good footage. None of it is real life. I'm hoping as we get past our first couple of videos, my friends will stop acting completely crazy. ha.

Hmm.. I love my ward that I'm currently in. Except. We party all week long. Then Friday rolls around and this place is like a ghost town. It's kind of creepy. Maybe they just all have parties that they don't invite me to because I'm an incredible loser. That's probably it. What a shame.

Well... that's aboot all I have to say today. So farewell for now my beloved blog readers.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well... we have good news and we have bad news..

The good news: I have been looking for a job for a LOOOONG time. I just had an interview at Harmon's grocery. It went well, but they don't currently have any openings. Today I received a phone call from Golden Corral. They want me to come in tomorrow to take a test and have an interview! Whoopie!

The bad news: I think I have an ear infection. Ouch. :(

The other good news: MY VIDEO CAMERA CAME TODAY! That's right folks, that means that not only will this be a BLOG... but now it will be a BLOG with a VLOG sometimes. Yeah. My dream to be as cool as the Shaytards is... not going to happen. But I am going to vlog anyway. :) Because I can. Woo.

That's all. My ear hurts. I am going to go watch a movie on my love sac in my sweatpants. :) muy bien.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I've got the perfect body... but sometimes I forget.

This title really does not have much to do with this post... except for the fact that Regina Spektor's song "Folding chair" (which contains those lyrics) is stuck in my head. I like it. Nay, I love it. Why? I don't know. It's catchy. It's weird (much like many of Regina Spektor's songs). But I think it's because my roommate told me it's pretty much my life in song. ha. Forget Taylor Swift writing the soundtrack to every girl's life... I'm so much cooler than that. Regina Spektor wrote the soundtrack to mine! ha. Yeah. But just so you know. I have the perfect body. So there. hmpff. I have to be extra large to contain my extra large amount of awesome. And I think that's perfectly lovely.

On another note, I LOVE my new church family. It was a great decision to move from the far side of Carriage Cove to my new side. I have made SO many friends... And I've been here... Just barely over a week. Everyone is so nice. Yesterday, we had a flour fight. It was SO MUCH FUN. I never knew pelting someone with flour could be such a blast. It was great. In the words of Annie... "I think I'm gonna like it here..."

Also on another note, I did something I never thought I would be able to accomplish EVER in my life. I wrote a song. I know most of you (except for maybe Steven and Courtney because I told you this already) are thinking something like "but you do that all the time... and they're silly." Yes. This is true. But this time, I wrote an actual song. Not a cheesy usual Amy Jo song about love sacs or fruit roll ups or whatever, but an actual song. I'm quite proud of it actually. Yeah. :)

I'm also taking a serious look at buying a video camera. I'm pretty sure at least most of you have heard about my obsession with the Shaytards. I love them. If you haven't seen them... look them up on youtube. I shall put a link to the Shaytards channel here. Go watch it if you don't know what I'm talking about. :) Anyway, the Shaytards have inspired me and now I want to "vlog" about my life too. So I'm considering buying a camera to document my life. You people who don't get to see me ever single day and miss watching my crazy antics should be excited... because if I do this... then you can watch them. :) Cool huh?! I'm weird. I know. Oh. Well.

Hmm... what else can I talk about? My brother graduates from college on Saturday. That's weird. It's pretty neat though. The best part though is that it means I get to go to Logan! Yay. Even though everyone will be gone.. but I just love that place. It's just so great. I wish I still lived there. Except, Provo might be starting to grow on me... OH MY GOODNESS THERE'S A BABY QUAIL OUTSIDE MY WINDOW AND IT'S SO CUTE!.. ahem. Anyway... I think it's my new neighbors. :) The screen door in my living room faces another apartment's screen door.. we fly paper airplane notes to each other. It's really great. :) We really enjoy it.

Well... that's all I can think of to talk about for now. So.. I guess I'm done. Ciao.