Monday, February 28, 2011

A Collection of Short Stories Including: Tales of the Laundromat and Other Such Adventures

Tales of the Laundromat
You know how when you go to the laundromat, you always lose a sock or some other small article of clothing and/or you find someone else's lost something or other? Today, the latter happened to me. Whenever I tell exciting laundromat stories (because I tell them so often, I know) I always say that whatever article of clothing I find of someone else's is a frilly pink thong. Today, that is actually true. To my horror, my nice clean and freshly dried clothing items had made a friend.. with someone else's unmentionables! Underclothing! Underoos! Panties! Thong! And then I was like... Umm.. I live in BYU approved housing? Why did I just find a thong? Something is amiss. It was weird. And... being the good person that I am, I hoisted it up the flag pole. :) While that may or may not be true.. it was just weird. I mean, yes. I am a girl. I know what girls underwear looks like, feels like. And! To top it all off I even wear it. ..But it's still creepy to find someone else's underpants mixed in with your own underpants or whatever you happen to be washing (I was washing chef coats, personally).

Bottomless Fries and a Pair of Shoes
Once upon a time... there was a girl named Amy Jo. One day she visited the magical land of Idaho Falls. She decided to go out to dinner with some of her bestest friends in the whole world. We will call them Quartney and Katie in order to keep their true identities a secret. They went to their favorite little place... like they always do. It's tradition. They went to... umm... in this case I think we should rename it to protect the innocent. Let's just call it... Perkins. :) So they went there. Katie and Quartney arrived first, since Amy Jo had a prior engagement she had to attend first. Anyway, Quartney and Katie ordered their food. YAY. They had begun to eat it when Amy Jo finally arrived... after being trapped by slow drivers and an old lady with a walker. The waitress asked her if she wanted a menu. Amy Jo proceeded to order a Dr. Pepper. (aka nectar of the Gods). Then the waitress brought all three of them their checks... WITHOUT even asking if they wanted any PIE! It's tradition to get pie. Typically "a la mode" ...which is different than pie. :) And that's all I have to say about that. Anyway, the three girls waited for the waitress to come back so they could be like "YO! I want pie!" But she never came. She never even asked if Katie wanted a box. (She ALWAYS wants a box). Anyhoo... the three girls were not really very pleased with the service they were receiving. After waiting many moons, however, they finally received 2 orders of mixed berry pie a la mode and a Banana nut muffin. Which they devoured. And enjoyed. Very much. :) But they were still kind of disappointed in the service they received.
What does this have to do with bottomless fries and a pair of shoes you ask? Absolutely nothing. But I'm getting to that. Hold on for a second, okay?!
A different day, Amy Jo went with her friends who we shall rename Katie and Bobbi to a little place we shall also rename Red Robin. YUUUUMMM. :) Anyhoo. They had to wait to be seated for about 2 minutes. So they stood. And talked. And quoted "The Producers." Katie and Amy Jo do that a lot. Then they got seated. And the server came. We will call him... Jeff. (And unless you were there you'll never know if I really did make this name up or not... because how often do you remember the server's name? hmm..?) Anyhaway. Jeff explained the menu... yadda yadda. And he told us all the stuff that's his favorite... and the stuff that makes him want to puke. (It made me mildly curious... but not curious enough to order it). Then he was like... "and... if you need me... you can just throw a shoe at me.." This made Amy Jo really excited. She was wearing her zebra print slip-on shoes (Go Sanuk's!) and she showed them to Jeff. He laughed at her. Then he taunted Bobbi, Katie, and Amy Jo all through their lunch date. He was a hoot and a half. Except then he got all the checks mixed up. OOPS! Oh well. The difference was a dollar. Which Bobbi payed Amy Jo in QUARTERS. Which she used to pay for the above story. :) And the fries at Red Robin are bottomless. THE END.

What other stories do I have for you people who actually care enough about my life to read this? Or should I say people who are BORED enough to actually read this? Hmm?

I just played just dance with my roommates. And we played Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. They referred to the dancing man as the wrong gender. It made me laugh. But then again... playing just dance ALWAYS makes me laugh. :)

In other news, I'm going on a date with the beautiful Courtney Cook. I don't know when yet, but it's going to happen. And she's going to wear her pretty dress. And I'm going to... wear... something. Rather than nothing. :) I'm super duper excited. It's going to be so awesome. Because I love her. And you should go on dates with people you love (even if they're just friend dates).

Something in my house is making a strange noise. I don't know what it is. Hmm. It's also really dark in my house right now. I have not turned on any lights and I'm just sitting here in the dark. Maybe I should turn one on. And find the source of the mysterious ticking noise...
...Snape. Snape. Serverous Snape...

Well, now that that's stuck in your head. I shall bid you adieu.

Monday, February 14, 2011

So there's this song...

And I'm kind of in love with it. What's it called you ask? Boogies and Trees. It is the best song I have ever heard (and not just because it's all about me). But my best friend Courtney Cook wrote it. It makes me so happy. :) This is the video. It's the best song ever!

Now I'm going to talk about my weekend. :) Well... Friday I baked stuff. And played my ukulele. Then Saturday I went to Riverton and saw my best friend Utah Katie. We went to taco time and arctic circle. And we played super mario and super smash bros. Wii! While wearing our snuggies. :) Then we ate eggo waffles. And then we watched Moulin Rouge. :)
Sunday was my dear friend Elder Burton's mission farewell. It was great to see him one last time before he heads to the MTC. Maybe if I scope out the MTC every day I can see him? ha. Anyway. He gave an absolutely amazing talk! Everyone loved it. And he looked so dashing! :) After his farewell, we went to the Holloway's house! I sure do love that family! We hung out and ate brownies, watched youtube, and listened to Garrett tell stories about his epic life. It was a jolly good time! They updated me on the life of Dallon so that was muy bien as well! :) After that we went to Nate's house.. where they fed us and we got to talk to Nate (and watch his adorable little brother run around like a maniac. A very adorable maniac). We took some photos. YAY.
And then I headed off to see the old roomies and to pick up my mail they had been holding hostage. Derek was there too. So we all got to catch up a little bit over a dinner of gluten free chicken 'n' dumplings. That was fun. After that I headed back to good ole Provo just in time for WARD PRAYER. WOOOOO. So exciting. :)
After that my home teachers came over. They're pretty cool. They talked to us for almost 3 hours. And it wasn't boring. We had a jolly good time. (I don't know what's up with my use of the phrase "jolly good" tonight). They showed us some of their hidden talents and we discussed everything that is new in our lives. It was great.
Today (which is technically part of the weekend for me) I played my ukulele and made bread. Happy Valentines day. I won't say I hate it... but I definitely don't love this holiday. I think love should happen every day.. not just today. Sure.. like any girl I love an excuse to eat chocolate and smell the sweet scent of flowers, but really I don't think I need a holiday to tell me to love someone.. or to show them that I love them. I'm just going to do it any day I feel like it. So there! :)

And now The top 10 reasons why I love Courtney Cook:
10. She always always listens to me even when all I'm doing is complaining or babbling about something.
9. She paints me with her boogies on trees.
8. She sings to me and plays her guitar/ukulele for me
7. She listens to all my crazy schemes and stories. (even if they're impossible or boring)
6. She never fails to brighten my day.
5. She is ALWAYS happy.
4. The song "Boogies and Trees" that she wrote.
3. She's the blondest lost boy that I know.
2. She's Courtney Cook... who doesn't love her?
And the NUMBER ONE reason I love Courtney Cook...

1. She has the same shirt as me. :)

Yeah. That's the number one reason. Bahaha.

Well, that's all. Ciao!