Sunday, August 28, 2011

It doesn't mean that you LIKE candy it just means that YOU WANT SOME!

"I know it's green but what else is about it?" "A pinch of salt, a lot of love and lots and lots of tofu!" "What the freak just happened?" "I have one question so guess! GUESS! GUESS! GUESS! Time is running out!"
Hi kids. :) I am finally updating my blog. I feel like life has suddenly gone crazy with it being the end of summer and everything. We have all realized that school is starting (tomorrow in my case) and we have to pack all of the stuff we wanted to do this summer into these last few days. It has been stressful and a blast all in one. So, here's what I've been up to.

Yesterday was an absolutely GREAT day. I got to spend it with some (though not all) of my best friends. And some that weren't there physically were there in spirit. :) But I guess I should start at the beginning.

A while ago I was introduced to a little thing called "kid history." These hilarious videos had me laughing so hard I cried. They are hilarious. Go look them up on youtube. Well, a little while after we had been introduced, I became a fan on facebook. The kid history facebook page informed me of a Kid History PREMIERE! In OREM! So close to me! Unfortunately, the event was completely sold out before I could get tickets. BLAST. :( But I kept watching, kept laughing, and kept falling in love with this hilarious group of family and friends. Lo and behold, facebook alerted me to an ALL NEW kid history episode! And the premiere was going to be in Murray! Not as close as Orem, but close enough. So I called my friend Beth (who also loves kid history) and informed her we were going. I purchased four tickets and got a group together. But... the fun doesn't stop there!

On Friday, I got this crazy idea to make a shirt for the event. Why? Because I can and I didn't make one for the Harry Potter premiere. But I didn't want some lame ironed on quote of kid history, no. I was going to Personalize it. I picked one of my favorite Kid History quotes (This was the hardest part... there are so many) "Girls are mermaids. Some boys are mermaids too." And I made a shirt. With me as a mermaid. And with my dear friend Steven as a mermaid because I knew he wouldn't mind being a mermaid on my shirt! (Don't worry I got permission first). I spent the entire day working on it. I (finally) learned how to use photoshop just to make this shirt. Boy it was a LOOOOONG process! But "I did it! I really did it! I really really did it!"

Anyway, Saturday I went to the premiere. I waited in a lot of lines, laughed my head off, saw an ADORABLE proposal, waited in more lines, got my shirt signed, and got some pictures. The premiere was AMAZING. We were told all of the REAL stories and shown all of the kid history videos. We also saw the premiere of "kid remix." Not quite as funny as kid history... but it was alright. Overall, it was an amazing experience. If you feel like you missed out (and you should feel like you missed out) then watch my video or I will steer... steal... your birthday stuff! and you can be part of the action too! :)
Well my computadora is dying. So I must be off! Chao. (That's the Spanish version... not a misspelling of the Italian just so you know).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Late nights and great friends

Well... I've been at it again. This whole vlogging thing. It's kind of fun. :) I have posted my second video for those of you who haven't seen it.

You can check it out here:

Another one will probably be uploaded by the end of today or tomorrow. :) My life is that interesting. Speaking of how interesting my life is, maybe I should fill you in on the stuff that's not going to appear in my vlog.

Yesterday, we had FHE and I have such a cool group. My roommate Nicole is our FHE "mom" and she's doing a great job (even though yesterday was just her first activity). It was even get to know you games and I had fun! I am super excited to see how this turns out. :)

After FHE we went to our friend's house and played in his pool. It was a blasty-blast. I obviously did not film this event because cameras + agua = no bueno. But we had fun playing ultimate football and Marco Polo. My team totally kicked butt at ultimate football. We had some great teamwork skills going down. It was sweet.

When we got done swimming, a few of us (Chase, Shawn, Staci, and I) went to Denny's for some post-swimming nourishment. It was really cool to just hang out and get to know them a little bit better. It was so much fun. :) I'm really loving this ward and all the people in it. We're seriously becoming such good friends.

We also saw someone being arrested when we got back to Provo at 2:30 am. It was pretty intense. There were literally like ten police cars surrounding this guy. If I find out what was going down I will definitely let you know.

Well that's all for now. See you later. Check out my youtube channel.

Thanks byeee.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well this is it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived! I posted a video on youtube. I'm hoping as time goes on I will get this whole vlogging thing down. I think it's really pretty fun. So... go watch me and my friends on youtube. and if you like... tell all your friends to watch my friends on youtube. Please and thank you. :)

I have decided to post all my videos (because I'm planning on making more) here as well as talk about my life... since that's what this is for and everything. So that being said.. here's an update on my life in WORDS.

It's been a fun experience getting some footage for my vlog. It seems like every time I get my camera out people have 2 different reactions. They either hide or act completely out of character and go crazy for the camera. These 2 factors make it almost impossible to get any good footage. None of it is real life. I'm hoping as we get past our first couple of videos, my friends will stop acting completely crazy. ha.

Hmm.. I love my ward that I'm currently in. Except. We party all week long. Then Friday rolls around and this place is like a ghost town. It's kind of creepy. Maybe they just all have parties that they don't invite me to because I'm an incredible loser. That's probably it. What a shame.

Well... that's aboot all I have to say today. So farewell for now my beloved blog readers.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well... we have good news and we have bad news..

The good news: I have been looking for a job for a LOOOONG time. I just had an interview at Harmon's grocery. It went well, but they don't currently have any openings. Today I received a phone call from Golden Corral. They want me to come in tomorrow to take a test and have an interview! Whoopie!

The bad news: I think I have an ear infection. Ouch. :(

The other good news: MY VIDEO CAMERA CAME TODAY! That's right folks, that means that not only will this be a BLOG... but now it will be a BLOG with a VLOG sometimes. Yeah. My dream to be as cool as the Shaytards is... not going to happen. But I am going to vlog anyway. :) Because I can. Woo.

That's all. My ear hurts. I am going to go watch a movie on my love sac in my sweatpants. :) muy bien.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I've got the perfect body... but sometimes I forget.

This title really does not have much to do with this post... except for the fact that Regina Spektor's song "Folding chair" (which contains those lyrics) is stuck in my head. I like it. Nay, I love it. Why? I don't know. It's catchy. It's weird (much like many of Regina Spektor's songs). But I think it's because my roommate told me it's pretty much my life in song. ha. Forget Taylor Swift writing the soundtrack to every girl's life... I'm so much cooler than that. Regina Spektor wrote the soundtrack to mine! ha. Yeah. But just so you know. I have the perfect body. So there. hmpff. I have to be extra large to contain my extra large amount of awesome. And I think that's perfectly lovely.

On another note, I LOVE my new church family. It was a great decision to move from the far side of Carriage Cove to my new side. I have made SO many friends... And I've been here... Just barely over a week. Everyone is so nice. Yesterday, we had a flour fight. It was SO MUCH FUN. I never knew pelting someone with flour could be such a blast. It was great. In the words of Annie... "I think I'm gonna like it here..."

Also on another note, I did something I never thought I would be able to accomplish EVER in my life. I wrote a song. I know most of you (except for maybe Steven and Courtney because I told you this already) are thinking something like "but you do that all the time... and they're silly." Yes. This is true. But this time, I wrote an actual song. Not a cheesy usual Amy Jo song about love sacs or fruit roll ups or whatever, but an actual song. I'm quite proud of it actually. Yeah. :)

I'm also taking a serious look at buying a video camera. I'm pretty sure at least most of you have heard about my obsession with the Shaytards. I love them. If you haven't seen them... look them up on youtube. I shall put a link to the Shaytards channel here. Go watch it if you don't know what I'm talking about. :) Anyway, the Shaytards have inspired me and now I want to "vlog" about my life too. So I'm considering buying a camera to document my life. You people who don't get to see me ever single day and miss watching my crazy antics should be excited... because if I do this... then you can watch them. :) Cool huh?! I'm weird. I know. Oh. Well.

Hmm... what else can I talk about? My brother graduates from college on Saturday. That's weird. It's pretty neat though. The best part though is that it means I get to go to Logan! Yay. Even though everyone will be gone.. but I just love that place. It's just so great. I wish I still lived there. Except, Provo might be starting to grow on me... OH MY GOODNESS THERE'S A BABY QUAIL OUTSIDE MY WINDOW AND IT'S SO CUTE!.. ahem. Anyway... I think it's my new neighbors. :) The screen door in my living room faces another apartment's screen door.. we fly paper airplane notes to each other. It's really great. :) We really enjoy it.

Well... that's all I can think of to talk about for now. So.. I guess I'm done. Ciao.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yikes! Bacon..

Well hello there dear blogging community. I am back. Finally. After a bit of a hiatus from this blog due to no time and no social life, I am back with something to say. And it's all about bacon. (Well...not all of it probably, but some of it most definitely is.)

To start off, I must say that it is rather difficult to type while soothing your aching digits with a bag of frozen spinach (my frozen mixed vegetables thawed out too much... so here I am with frozen spinach.) We don't have any ice cubes. Anyway, you may (or may not) be wondering why I have a bag of frozen spinach atop my digits.
The answer? simple. It's SOOTHING. :) Yeah.

...No. That's not all the answer I'm going to give you. I HAVE A STORY! An epic story... involving battle wounds and bacon. And punching things.
Ahem. Anyway. Gather 'round children and I will tell you a tale....

Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.
His skin was pale and his eye was odd.
He shaved the faces of gentlemen
who never thereafter were heard of again.
He trod a path that few have trod
did Sweeney Todd
the demon barber of fleet street.
He kept a shop in London town.
Of fancy clients and good renown
and what if none of their souls were saved
they went to their maker impecably shaved.
By Sweeney,
by Sweeney Todd
the demon barber of fleet street.

Swing your razor wide!
Sweeney, hold it to the skies.
Freely flows the blood of those who moralize.
His needswere few, his room was bare.
A lavabo and a fancy chair.
A mug of suds, and a leather strop,
an apron, a towel, a pail, and a mop.
For neatness he deserves a nod,
does Sweeney Todd,
the demon barber of Fleet Street.
Inconspicuous Sweeney was,
quick, and quiet and clean he was.
Back of his smile, under his word,
Sweeney heard music that nobody heard.
Sweeney pondered and Sweeney planned,
like a perfect machine he planned,
Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle,
Sweeney would blink, and rats would scuttle
Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle
Sweeney would blink, and rats would scuttle
Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle,
Sweeney would blink, and rats would scuttle
Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle,
Sweeney would blink, and rats would scuttle
Sweeney! Sweeney! Sweeney! Sweeney!

...oh wait. That's the wrong tale. Nevermind. Mine goes a little more like this...
Today at school we were fabricating chicken and filleting fish. Wahoo. Then we learned how to kill lobsters. It's rather sad. And then we made soups using all the scraps of potatoes from our knife skills over the past week or so. It was during this soup making that our tale really begins. We were making a corn chowder and a pureed potato soup... when all of a sudden we decided that we NEEDED BACON in said soups. Because bacon + soup = extra yummy soup. So... we popped some bacon in the oven. (And this is not a normal oven, mind you.. this one opens more like a 2 door refrigerator... and the outside gets SUPER WAY HOT.) Well, suddenly the timer on the oven buzzed it's annoying buzzing sound. I scurried (cue the scurry music) to the oven to get the glorious BACON! While I was looking around for a rag (we use these instead of oven mitts... it's the cool chef thing to do) I started to open the oven. But right as I did I found a rag and started to reach for it. In my excitement and hurry over the BACON I kind of missed the oven door handle... and PUNCHED the oven. OUCH. I have the SWEETEST burn on THREE, yest three! of my fingers... and my knuckles. It hurts really badly. Hence the frozen spinach. I'm hoping it will leave some sort of cool scar... because that would be super neat. And it totally makes the pain a little bit worth it. But seriously, I've never had a burn that's hurt so bad in my life. It's really kind of gross looking too. :S

So kids, the moral of the story is... Do NOT get overly excited about BACON even though it is delicious. AND Do NOT punch hot ovens. It is in no way beneficial to your health. Yeah.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea...

...but I'd rather be here than on land.

So a few things going on in my life.. just to update any of you that care. :)

1. I've been playing my ukulele nonstop for like the past... 2 weeks. Literally. Nonstop. I don't know what happened to me, but that's all I want to do with my time these days. I've learned some pretty cool songs. And I'm getting much better at switching back and forth between Woody and Halle Kahiki (those would be the names of my ukuleles in case you didn't know). I'm excited for this upcoming weekend where Woody will be reunited with his younger (and much less handsome) brother Buzz (aka my dad's bari-uke).

2. I am currently enjoying the bliss of spring break. :) YAAAY. Already I've accomplished SO MUCH. I learned how to play "Out of My League" on the uke. I can even pick the intro. Poorly. But I'm learning. I am super excited to show Courtney Cook... because I know even if it sucks somehow she'll still be proud of me. She's just that kind of person.

3. Tomorrow. I am attending a fairy dust/glitter party. I am incredibly excited. I even made one of those big tutus with the tulle. Mine is pretty awesome. It kind of looks like how I envisioned Lemon Pop the blue (ish) fairy... for those of you who remember that far back in the day. :) Ha. (My guess that is even if no one else has any idea what I am talking about... at least Wendy Lady will). Man I really wish I had a copy of that story. BUMMER. Except I remember most of it.. so I guess it doesn't really matter.

4. I am really ridiculously (good looking. ha.) excited to go home on Friday. I plan to head out bright and early. I may even set my alarm to awaken me before the time I would normally arise. Yeah. I'm that excited. So dear Idaho Fallsians. Please be ready to PARTY with me! :) Please and thank you. The plans include (not necessarily in order):
A. Home by 1/2 ish. (I know. I told you I want to leave early)
B. Lunch with Mama.
C. Pocatello with Quartney, Katie, and Robbie to see our friends. :) YAY.
D. Play time with Bobbi Sue.
E. Ukulele jam sessions. With whoever will play with me.
F. Making a youtube video with Katie Martin and whoever else happens to be in it. Probably/hopefully Robbie and Quartney.
G. Everything else is currently TBD. But it will hopefully be one ACTION PACKED weekend.

5. Ah. Crap. I just forgot what I was going to put in section five. :(

6. OH WAIT! I remember! I know that I don't know a lot about my life/the future. And I don't even know for sure what I want to do with my life or whatever. But I decided that there is one thing I know about my life for sure. I want to travel the world. See everything there is to see. Learn everything there is to know about the world. I was in my Intro to Hospitality Management class yesterday and we watched a movie about cruises. (We all know how much I love cruises). But there was this one that really stuck out in my mind. It was a world cruise. 107 days. 44 ports. 37 (i think?) countries. I want to do that. I mean.. maybe I don't need to go on a 3 month cruise, but I want to travel. I want to see all those countries. I want to travel. I want to learn about and see different cultures. I want to meet people from other countries. I hate thinking about getting married and living with my husband in Idaho or Utah or anywhere and just being content with that one place... never traveling like so many people I know from the area. I know I could never be happy with that. Not really. I want to see all the states by the time I'm 27... sooner if possible. 13 states in 7 years shouldn't be hard right? Maybe it's because I was spoiled growing up and my parents took me to cool places and we saw cool things. They've already taken me to more than half the states, Canada, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Living here.. is stifling and stuffy. That's all. Just a look into my brain about something I crave. Need. Desire. Want. Whatever you want to call it. I think I'll go with need. I NEED to travel.
Well. I must be off. I have a lot to do in preparation for this fairy dust party tomorrow. Including, but not limited to: buying socks, buying glitter, Debating whether or not to buy/make fairy wings, etc.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Collection of Short Stories Including: Tales of the Laundromat and Other Such Adventures

Tales of the Laundromat
You know how when you go to the laundromat, you always lose a sock or some other small article of clothing and/or you find someone else's lost something or other? Today, the latter happened to me. Whenever I tell exciting laundromat stories (because I tell them so often, I know) I always say that whatever article of clothing I find of someone else's is a frilly pink thong. Today, that is actually true. To my horror, my nice clean and freshly dried clothing items had made a friend.. with someone else's unmentionables! Underclothing! Underoos! Panties! Thong! And then I was like... Umm.. I live in BYU approved housing? Why did I just find a thong? Something is amiss. It was weird. And... being the good person that I am, I hoisted it up the flag pole. :) While that may or may not be true.. it was just weird. I mean, yes. I am a girl. I know what girls underwear looks like, feels like. And! To top it all off I even wear it. ..But it's still creepy to find someone else's underpants mixed in with your own underpants or whatever you happen to be washing (I was washing chef coats, personally).

Bottomless Fries and a Pair of Shoes
Once upon a time... there was a girl named Amy Jo. One day she visited the magical land of Idaho Falls. She decided to go out to dinner with some of her bestest friends in the whole world. We will call them Quartney and Katie in order to keep their true identities a secret. They went to their favorite little place... like they always do. It's tradition. They went to... umm... in this case I think we should rename it to protect the innocent. Let's just call it... Perkins. :) So they went there. Katie and Quartney arrived first, since Amy Jo had a prior engagement she had to attend first. Anyway, Quartney and Katie ordered their food. YAY. They had begun to eat it when Amy Jo finally arrived... after being trapped by slow drivers and an old lady with a walker. The waitress asked her if she wanted a menu. Amy Jo proceeded to order a Dr. Pepper. (aka nectar of the Gods). Then the waitress brought all three of them their checks... WITHOUT even asking if they wanted any PIE! It's tradition to get pie. Typically "a la mode" ...which is different than pie. :) And that's all I have to say about that. Anyway, the three girls waited for the waitress to come back so they could be like "YO! I want pie!" But she never came. She never even asked if Katie wanted a box. (She ALWAYS wants a box). Anyhoo... the three girls were not really very pleased with the service they were receiving. After waiting many moons, however, they finally received 2 orders of mixed berry pie a la mode and a Banana nut muffin. Which they devoured. And enjoyed. Very much. :) But they were still kind of disappointed in the service they received.
What does this have to do with bottomless fries and a pair of shoes you ask? Absolutely nothing. But I'm getting to that. Hold on for a second, okay?!
A different day, Amy Jo went with her friends who we shall rename Katie and Bobbi to a little place we shall also rename Red Robin. YUUUUMMM. :) Anyhoo. They had to wait to be seated for about 2 minutes. So they stood. And talked. And quoted "The Producers." Katie and Amy Jo do that a lot. Then they got seated. And the server came. We will call him... Jeff. (And unless you were there you'll never know if I really did make this name up or not... because how often do you remember the server's name? hmm..?) Anyhaway. Jeff explained the menu... yadda yadda. And he told us all the stuff that's his favorite... and the stuff that makes him want to puke. (It made me mildly curious... but not curious enough to order it). Then he was like... "and... if you need me... you can just throw a shoe at me.." This made Amy Jo really excited. She was wearing her zebra print slip-on shoes (Go Sanuk's!) and she showed them to Jeff. He laughed at her. Then he taunted Bobbi, Katie, and Amy Jo all through their lunch date. He was a hoot and a half. Except then he got all the checks mixed up. OOPS! Oh well. The difference was a dollar. Which Bobbi payed Amy Jo in QUARTERS. Which she used to pay for the above story. :) And the fries at Red Robin are bottomless. THE END.

What other stories do I have for you people who actually care enough about my life to read this? Or should I say people who are BORED enough to actually read this? Hmm?

I just played just dance with my roommates. And we played Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. They referred to the dancing man as the wrong gender. It made me laugh. But then again... playing just dance ALWAYS makes me laugh. :)

In other news, I'm going on a date with the beautiful Courtney Cook. I don't know when yet, but it's going to happen. And she's going to wear her pretty dress. And I'm going to... wear... something. Rather than nothing. :) I'm super duper excited. It's going to be so awesome. Because I love her. And you should go on dates with people you love (even if they're just friend dates).

Something in my house is making a strange noise. I don't know what it is. Hmm. It's also really dark in my house right now. I have not turned on any lights and I'm just sitting here in the dark. Maybe I should turn one on. And find the source of the mysterious ticking noise...
...Snape. Snape. Serverous Snape...

Well, now that that's stuck in your head. I shall bid you adieu.

Monday, February 14, 2011

So there's this song...

And I'm kind of in love with it. What's it called you ask? Boogies and Trees. It is the best song I have ever heard (and not just because it's all about me). But my best friend Courtney Cook wrote it. It makes me so happy. :) This is the video. It's the best song ever!

Now I'm going to talk about my weekend. :) Well... Friday I baked stuff. And played my ukulele. Then Saturday I went to Riverton and saw my best friend Utah Katie. We went to taco time and arctic circle. And we played super mario and super smash bros. Wii! While wearing our snuggies. :) Then we ate eggo waffles. And then we watched Moulin Rouge. :)
Sunday was my dear friend Elder Burton's mission farewell. It was great to see him one last time before he heads to the MTC. Maybe if I scope out the MTC every day I can see him? ha. Anyway. He gave an absolutely amazing talk! Everyone loved it. And he looked so dashing! :) After his farewell, we went to the Holloway's house! I sure do love that family! We hung out and ate brownies, watched youtube, and listened to Garrett tell stories about his epic life. It was a jolly good time! They updated me on the life of Dallon so that was muy bien as well! :) After that we went to Nate's house.. where they fed us and we got to talk to Nate (and watch his adorable little brother run around like a maniac. A very adorable maniac). We took some photos. YAY.
And then I headed off to see the old roomies and to pick up my mail they had been holding hostage. Derek was there too. So we all got to catch up a little bit over a dinner of gluten free chicken 'n' dumplings. That was fun. After that I headed back to good ole Provo just in time for WARD PRAYER. WOOOOO. So exciting. :)
After that my home teachers came over. They're pretty cool. They talked to us for almost 3 hours. And it wasn't boring. We had a jolly good time. (I don't know what's up with my use of the phrase "jolly good" tonight). They showed us some of their hidden talents and we discussed everything that is new in our lives. It was great.
Today (which is technically part of the weekend for me) I played my ukulele and made bread. Happy Valentines day. I won't say I hate it... but I definitely don't love this holiday. I think love should happen every day.. not just today. Sure.. like any girl I love an excuse to eat chocolate and smell the sweet scent of flowers, but really I don't think I need a holiday to tell me to love someone.. or to show them that I love them. I'm just going to do it any day I feel like it. So there! :)

And now The top 10 reasons why I love Courtney Cook:
10. She always always listens to me even when all I'm doing is complaining or babbling about something.
9. She paints me with her boogies on trees.
8. She sings to me and plays her guitar/ukulele for me
7. She listens to all my crazy schemes and stories. (even if they're impossible or boring)
6. She never fails to brighten my day.
5. She is ALWAYS happy.
4. The song "Boogies and Trees" that she wrote.
3. She's the blondest lost boy that I know.
2. She's Courtney Cook... who doesn't love her?
And the NUMBER ONE reason I love Courtney Cook...

1. She has the same shirt as me. :)

Yeah. That's the number one reason. Bahaha.

Well, that's all. Ciao!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oh goodness. Life. It's been crazy lately. School is going well for the most part, but I do have one teacher that kind of makes me feel like I'm a complete imbecile. Even my class has noticed how much he criticizes me compared to everyone else. I guess that's what you get for being in a group with "wonder boy" though. Blech. But at the same time I guess it pushes me to try harder to do things right. I have learned so much more than I did at the Art Institute though. So it's been a good change overall.

I'm starting to get used to the ward and I'm really starting to like the people in it. I've met a lot of nice people so far and I hope we really get to become friends. The Lord works in mysterious ways though, that's for sure. I got a calling before I even became a member of the ward. I'm on the formerly known as the enrichment committee committee (sometimes known as the "other" committee). The first two guys I met in the ward... are my home teachers. And they both remembered meeting me. (One of them I met when I came to visit the ward with Nicole and the other I met while doing laundry). My visiting teachers seem nice too. I thought at first I wouldn't like this ward... but they're really starting to grow on me. :)

This weekend has been quite eventful. Friday night I went to a party at Nicole's. It was a success. :) I met some fun people and had a great time playing cards, dancing, being pelted with cards, and talking about guns and locking our doors. ha. It was a fun adventure that lasted past midnight! And... I made sure to lock my door when I got home. Thank you paranoid gentlemen. (Though for good reason I'm sure).

Yesterday I went to BYU's Production of Peter Pan. It gets a 6.8 out of 10. Their cyc was kind of a cop out instead of actually having a real set. Their flying was cool with all their flips and stuff. The lost boys really disappointed me... especially Tootles. :( That always makes me sad. I did love a few of the lost boys though, Slightly and Curly in particular. They were hilarious! But the others, for me at least, fell a little short. The Indians were AMAZING dancers! It was really fun to watch them. The Pirates though. For me, they literally saved the show. HI-FREAKING-LARIOUS. All of them. Even the pirates that maybe had 2 lines the whole show. They all really played up their characters. I was laughing so hard. Hook/Mr. Darling was really good. Peter was good. Sometimes I think she forgot she was playing a boy though, and had a very womanly voice in certain parts. But she was very spirited and fit the role well. There was one part that I just could not get over though... When Peter gets his shadow back, they had someone dressed in a black Peter Pan outfit walk out on stage and mirror Peter. I thought that was very very strange.
During the Pirate Ship fight scene, I was afraid that Peter was going to die. She was hooked with 2 lines, but one of them didn't get hooked all the way... and they hoisted her up.. I was terribly afraid for her life. I've been that person that worries about getting Peter hooked properly and it scares me to death even thinking about it. Luckily Peter didn't tumble to the ground. They realized and gently lowered her back down. She covered really well and moved on. She found a way to re-hook herself and took flight again. I really admired her courage. I don't know if I could be brave enough to fly again if that had happened to me. Yipes!
They also cut out the "You silly ass!" line. It's not surprising, but it was just cut in a very strange way. And.. apparently Peter Pan can be used as a metaphor for Adam and Eve. Only at BYU...

Well that was pretty much my weekend. Now I'm off to celebrate Sunday. :) haha.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ohhh Man Life...

Hi.. remember me? For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am still alive. For those of you who I have not talked to recently (which is pretty much everyone) I miss you... I do. I've just been... busy. I know. That's no excuse for not calling/texting/hanging out with any of you... but I've been a little caught up in life. ...Not in actually having one though, so don't get excited for me or anything.. Things have just been.. busy.

School started up since I last blogged. Yes. Good ole school. My classes are CRAZY. For 2 of my classes alone my time spent in class equals about 25 hours a week (and that's if I'm lucky and they don't hold us late.. or have us doing some catering event). So let's just say I've been a little stressed during these past two weeks. New school. New place. New apartment. New everything. It's just been a little hectic. I'm starting to kind of settle in though. But hey, anyone in Provo.. I know a total of about 3 people in my apartment complex/ward.. so if you're ever bored and want to hang out, my weekends are pretty open. :)

The new roommates are... interesting I guess. They aren't scary like the crazies, but we don't really seem to have much in common. One of them I haven't ever said more than "Hi" to and I've only seen her about three times. They all come straight home from school/work and go straight to their rooms with their doors closed. I have the feeling we're not really going to become very good friends. The two I've at least had a conversation with them that was longer than a single word... but I don't really know them yet. Maybe it's just that awkward new roommate thing, but I kind of get the vibe that they're really just not that interested in actually getting to know me. I think most people find me somewhat... intimidating.

My classes are fun though. Except for a lot of things being a major review. But I'm hoping once we get past the first few weeks things will start to pick up. I've learned a TON in my baking class though. :) We're learning more than just how to follow a recipe. We're learning why a recipe is what it is. Why things like water temperature matter. It's a lot more math and science than following a recipe. It's taking some getting used to. But hey, I like a good challenge.

My ward is older. It's weird. Still. Even though they aren't as old as my last ward. But they aren't very outgoing here either. It seems like they've all kind of been here for forever and no one feels the need to make new friends or even new acquaintances. It's been a struggle. But this is only week two so I'm hoping it will get better. :)

Some exciting news though... I'm going to see Peter Pan on Saturday! This is one of the few times I can see myself actually supporting BYU. Hah. I can't help it if (this time) they have good taste in theatre. It's better than what UVU is doing: Oklahoma! (Though don't get me wrong... I like Oklahoma! I would just much rather watch Pan. Wouldn't you?!)

The Saturday after that, I have plans to go to some improv thing with Nicole. It's apparently really popular. And we're getting in for FREE! (I love having connections... or at least knowing people with connections). We're also getting a backstage tour from her uncle who promised to introduce us to all cool people. He also said he would tell us who to flirt with and who to avoid. Haha. It's going to be great. I love improv. And boys. What could be better to mix them both together?!

Courtney Cook.. is one of the greatest people ever. She wrote me a song. That is now my ringtone. And I feel so special because it's the best ever. :) And she has the best Spanish accent. I love her so and she makes me happy.

Umm... Let's see what else about my life? My dear best friend Elder Dallon Holloway is almost at the year mark! Today is day 341 of his mission. :) Woohoo. I find this very exciting. Yes I do.

Is there anything else about my life you're just dying to know? Umm... I just awkwardly walked in on my roommate spooning with a kind of attractive young gentleman. That's pretty interesting. And they just stared at me. AWKWARD. ha.

Oh. And I am kind of swooning over this boy.. except the problem is that I don't know his name. But I see him every Thursday and Friday. And sometimes Mondays (it depends on where my class meets). But I've talked to him once. And he's kind of pretty. And he's super nice... from what I know from talking to him once... but yes. That's that.

Okay well I think I'm done blabbering on and on. OH WAIT! No I'm not!!! Pineapple Wednesday is BACK! YAY. (If you don't know what this is... check out for more details on my crazy experiences with pineapple).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Footie Pajamas, Dora Coloring Books, and Animated Movies

What do all these things have in common?

They are all things I still enjoy at the age of 20 and things I enjoyed at the age of 2 as well (except for the fact that Dora the Explorer didn't exist yet, but you get my point). What I'm trying to say with this post is that... I still want to enjoy my "childhood" or whatever you want to call it. I may be past my "teen years," but that doesn't mean I am completely ready to be fully responsible. I am in no way, shape, or form ready to get married and/or have little demon children of my own to take care of.

I think a couple of things about this matter:
1. Sex makes babies. Unless you want babies, don't have sex. And if you do have sex (which you shouldn't) BE CAREFUL about it. Use protection. Don't be an idiot.
2. If you're my age and you're married... you are crazy. Seriously how are you ready to be married at this age? For real?
3. If you're my age and married and already have a kid (or one on the way or a kid AND one on the way) then you have got to be completely insane! Motherhood and I are just simply not ready to be used in a sentence together, unless that sentence is "Motherhood and I are not ready to be acquaintances, friends, or even come in contact with each other yet."

Instead of doing these things I am going to ENJOY my YOUTH! (That's a better word than childhood). I like to wear my footie pajamas. I like to color in my Dora the Explorer coloring book (Thanks Katie Matheson) and I like to watch animated movies. (Yes, I know the third one is weak... but I couldn't think of anything else that was relatable to future topics to be discussed).

During my Christmas break, I did:
1. Peter Pan Cast Reunion. I never knew everything that "It's so fluffy I'm going to die" could mean. This party was a hoot and a half, even though every other person hated every other person. Except, it seems, for me and Quartney.
2. Had a footie pajama party with Katie and Courtney, complete with a pajama clad trip to Jack in the Box at 2 am (where they forgot Courtney's tacos) and a a tiny bit of sleep. We also had pancakes! Yum!
3. Katie and I went to visit our dearest Steven. :) This made us happy. We went shoppin', went to starbucks... and whatever it is that Katie got for me... was YUMMY, watched a movie about a horse, ate pizza, and PARTIED. TWAS great fun. <3
4. Got introduced to Just Dance 2. I am now obsessed with this ridiculously fun game. "Ra-ra-Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine" is probably one of the best songs I have ever heard.
5. Glee Karaoke Revolution. According to this game, together my beloved Courtney and I, despite our epic whiteness, make up 2 halves of Mercedes. We sang all her songs together, and both got 50%. We are incredibly gifted. No one else can compete with us (except for maybe Mercedes herself). I am so proud. :)
6. French Fries and Mushrooms. This is a tradition that started oh so long ago (Okay maybe like... 2 years ago really). Katie and I always get an appetizer sampler from Perkins. And a side of fries. And a side of sauteed mushrooms. Fries + Mushrooms = Heaven. Try it. This is one of favorite times together. And this time we saw GINA! :) Which made it even better.
I think those are pretty much the highlights of my Christmas break.

Now I'm in Provo. I start school tomorrow. Again. YUCK. I'm not really very excited to be honest. But alas, it's part of the VERY slow process of growing old...