Sunday, October 31, 2010

A few more days... trying to get this stupid challenge done while not overloading you...

Something that means a lot to me. :)
MY FAMWEEEE. I know this isn't my whole family (once again pictures right now are you know how many million pictures i have?!) but it is my mommy. and she means a lot to me too. :) My family is seriously the best. Be jealous. They're so great.

Also, something else that means a lot to me is my other families. My families that have adopted me while I am so far away from my real family. These families are the Mathesons and the Holloways. I love them both so much and am thankful for all they do for me... inviting me into their homes and being there for me when I need them. They're the best!!

What's in my purse?
* Random Crap
* Reciepts/shopping lists/etc.
* Ninja turtle wallet
* Keys
* Sunglasses

Somewhere over the rainbow...
or... somewhere I've been...

Turkey. This is my Turkish Michael Jackson impersonating boyfriend. :)



It's My Life... it's now or never!! I ain't gonna live forever... but I am gonna live while I'm alive. It's My Life... (and if you like the glee version) ...and these are my confessions...

OH my goodness. I had a WONDERFUL day yesterday. At first it was BOOORING because my roommates both disappeared and I was home alone... and I had to write a paper. BLECH! ...But then I finished that and they still weren't home so I was sad. And lonely. :( So then I went to Kneader's for a club sammich because I was hungry. And a bit mopey because it was Saturday... DAY BEFORE HALLOWEEN SATURDAY... and I had NOOOO plans! So anyway, I ate my sammich and it was GOOOOOD. Kneaders has the BEST club sammiches EVER. So then I went back home and finished my essay. Then I went out in the rain to go get the mail in hopes that my netflix dvds had arrived. They had. So I watched Harry Potter. (I have been ordering them all in order... because I realized I never saw the last one... so I had to watch it before I can see the new one). And that took a great deal of time.
After my movie was over, It was about seven. Still no set plans. And no word from the roommates. Then I remembered about the Holloways annual Halloween party and that they had invited me! So I got ready to go. Threw on some make up (should have thrown on my costume. but didn't.) and headed out the door. I was super empty on gas though so I had to stop by the gas station first. But anyway, I went to the party and was greeted by hugs from the whole Holloway family... including the cardboard cut out of Dallon. :) It was very much needed and appreciated. :) I spent the rest of the night hanging out with them. It was sooo great to see them all!!

Dallon (Zorro) and Me. :)
Seriously, the Holloway family is the best. I'm so lucky to have the chance to know them. They're great people. The party was a blast, even though I didn't really know anyone there most of the night. Eventually Nicole and Nate came so it was good to see them. :) It was a very great way to spend my Saturday. :)

As for today, I just got off the phone with the beautiful Katie Matheson. I love her. A lot. We had a good life chat. Something I think we both needed. We talked about life, Letters (I'm sooo jealous that hers smelled like Dallon's cologne!), plans, boys, and everything in between. It was seriously needed. I know this school year has been rough for both of us, so it's good that we can still be there for each other even though we are far apart! LOVE YOU KATIEEEEEE!!!! <3 Three Musketeers for Life <3 (For those of you who don't know... that includes Dallon... obviously).

Ciao! Aloha! Adios! See ya!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today, Tomorrow, and The Next. and then some random babble about my life...

I'm so tired of this blog thing. I should have read how stupid these all were before I committed to it. Blech. But anyway... here we go.

Day Whatever. Something that makes your face look like this: :D!!!! or :) or 8D (which is my personal favorite)

Stupid memories of stupid things. And technical theatre. And theatre in general. :)

These girls right here. (sorry you're only in part of the picture katie... my pics are still being uploaded onto this computer so I don't have a lot to choose from.) They make me so ridiculously happy you can't even imagine it.

Peter Pan. You may say I'm stuck in the past... but Pan was one of the most fun experiences of my life thus far. And it helped me make some of my bestest friends. And I don't just love my time in Pan itself. I love the story. The message. Everything. :) Tootles. (even the crazy version of old Tootles in Hook! Or maybe I should say especially that Tootles.)

And last, but definitely not least, these people right here. Without them I would not be who or where I am today. I never would have survived my first year of college... or my second... without them. I love them so ridiculously much. And it makes me happy to see who they are becoming (even though we can't hang out every day) and to see them make good choices (like Nate and Dallon serving missions).

Day... whatever again. A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Yo. Stop being a BRAT FACE and GET OVER YOURSELF. Just some words of advice.

That's it.

And the day after that.
1. FACT. I'm obsessed with Peter Pan. :)
2. FACT. I act really confident but inside I'm really just a girl who thinks she's fat, not usually good enough, is not very confident, and is actually really lonely.
3. FACT. I've never said fact number two to anyone before.
4. FACT. I really hate being here (except for school) and I sometimes wonder if I made the wrong choice by coming here.
5. FACT. I very rarely say what's actually on my mind and I tell you what you want to hear instead of what I really think.
6. FACT. I'm not a very open person and don't feel like there is anyone I can tell everything to... not even my closest friends, even though sometimes I want to.
7. FACT. I am really struggling with the fact that I'm actually putting all this stuff on here (closed person, remember) and really wouldn't be surprised if this post just... disappeared... after a few days.
8. FACT. I am terrified of seagulls... and most other birds... and it does not stem from watching the movie "The Birds."
9. FACT. I LOOOOVE Culinary School... except for baking.
10. FACT. I am really easily annoyed by stupid things... like people who don't change the toilet paper roll, use "like," "totally," or "dude" too often, or who can dish it but can't take it.
11. FACT. I really hate that I am annoyed by stupid things. It makes me feel like a bad person.
12. FACT. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE it when people say rude things about fat people or gay people. And I don't hate that I get annoyed by that and don't consider it a stupid thing.
13. FACT. I love making fresh pasta. To me, it is probably one of the most rewarding things. It may take all day, but I feel really accomplished when I'm done... and it's a great stress reliever.
14. FACT. I really wish I was artistic. At all.
15. FACT. I really miss Katie Matheson, Courtney Cook, Katie Martin, Abi Griffiths, Steven Conway, Dallon Holloway, Justin Cummings, Nate Burton, and all my other friends that I never get to see anymore. :( A LOT. You guys are the best.

And now... about my life...
Yesterday. I carved a pumpkin. It looks AWFUL. I'm pretty sure Courtney Cook only knew what it was because she just knows I'm obsessed with Peter Pan. Yeah. That's what it was supposed to be. It was an epic epic epic fail.
I made a Rufio costume. I think it's pretty cool. Now I just need a chance to wear it. I have absolutely NO PLANS this Halloween. None Today. None Yesterday. None Tomorrow. Nothing. I miss actually having friends. I just feel like I'm doing nothing with my life and going nowhere right now. Yes, I know I am in school... but other than that... I do nothing. I sit at home and watch movies all day. I don't hang out with anyone. I don't have friends. Nothing. I feel like I'm wasting away here and don't know what to do about it. By this time last year... I had made great friends. ...Even in less time. And now... I don't know what to do. I miss having people and friends in my life.
Sorry about that little rant... I'm just lonely. Blah.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday

Hi. I, like everyone else, am getting kind of tired of this whole blog challenge thing. Obviously, NO ONE CARES what's inside my purse. Unless it's the fingers of all the people you've murdered or something exciting like that, I really don't care what's inside yours either. So I'm doing Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday all at the same time. So... Things I crave a lot:
1. Mongolian Grill/Good Chinese Takeout.
2. HUGS. I LOOOOOVE Hugs. :)
3. Kneader's Club Sammich. SO GOOD.
4. People. I crave being around people.
5. Attention. Obviously. That's a given.

So I just got a new computer and I'm in the process of transferring all my pictures and documents... so I only have a few pictures right now. So this is the only picture of my face that I have access to at the moment. :)

If you want to know the reason behind my blog name... go read my first post. And/or go look up the big words that you don't know and you can figure it out. :)

Now on to things about my actual life. Today, I didn't go to school. No, I did not skip it. I just happen to have Thursdays off. WOOHOO. So today, I cleaned my room (it was messy after my adventure making my Halloween costume. You should see it. It's super awesome. I made it myself and everything. And it only cost me like 10 bucks! Woo! And I got sweet red tights out of the deal. YESS. But I'll tell you more about that in a later post. With pictures and everything.) I was being so domestic... both for cleaning and for making my own costume. Go me.
After that I vacuumed the apartment and did the dishes. Then I took Max, my roommate's dog, on a walk around the complex. It was nice. :)
Then, the HIGHLIGHT of my day...

I GOT A LETTER FROM DALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know, he's one of my best friends and he's on his mission right now. I love getting letters from him. :) It makes me insanely happy. For those of you who are curious, he's doing well. He is doing well with Spanish and is amazed at the fact that he can understand and talk to people in a different language. He got a copy of the chronicles of narnia in spanish and is enjoying reading that in his down time. And he gives a SHOUT OUT to the Hallway Kids! You know who you are. <33

Well, I'm off to write a letter, watch hook, go to the grocery store, and finish my homework. Later y'all!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mi Familia

I have the BEST family in the world. That's right... they're better than yours! We are kind of weird and I apparently look adopted according to Courtney... but we're family. I love them... even my brother (who sometimes even reads this blog so maybe he will actually see that)

This is me and my hermano in Hawaii.

This is me with my parents in a little place I like to call Italia. They're so great for taking me there. :) Next stop Kenya, right?

Secretly, my mama and I are actually a lot a like... Crazy.

And everyone knows I got some more crazy from my daddy. :)

And... even though I struggle saying it A LOT... My bro and I are even kinda similar sometimes...

I couldn't find a pic on my computer of my family all together. (Though I know quite a few exist... I just don't have access to them at this current point in time.)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Celeb Crush..

If any of you know me AT ALL... you should already know this....

That's Right. The One. The Only. James Roday!

Well now that that's out in the open, I wanna tell you about something else. :)
Today for my purchasing class, we went to a couple of Asian markets to see all the unusual items they carry. Well, a girl named Julia is in my class, and she has the best connections. She always knows someone who either knows someone or has been to all these different cute little restaurants. So we ended up going after class to Hang Phat, a Vietnamese market. We got some Bahn Mi Sammiches. AND THEY WERE SOOOO GOOD.
If any of you watched "Great American Food Truck Race" (which I kind of doubt you did.. but whatever) then you know they had the Vietnamese truck. I have wanted one of these delicious looking sandwiches ever since I watched that. YU-UM! So so so good. If you ever get the chance... try one! If you're ever in the salt lake area... Redwood road about 3100 South... next to the Chevron... go to Hang Phat! Oh. And the best part?! GIANT SAMMICH. 3 BUCKS! That's right. Three bucks! Take three bucks to subway and see what that will get ya! Ha. No really though. It was sooo good.

Ciao! Adios! Aloha!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Something You Never Leave the House Without...


No really though... that's really the only thing that I never leave the house without. Sure I generally take my keys with me... but that's not 100% of the time. :) HA. Take that blog readers!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm currently obsessed with 2 TV shows... though I must admit I do value the first a much more than the second. Though I do love them both. A LOT.

PSYCH. The best show ever. SOOOOO Funny. And so under-appreciated. So many people have never even heard of it. Well they, my friends, are MISSING OUT.

The Second is Glee of course. I, like so many others, LOVE this show. Yes, it's probably one of the most CHEESY shows out there right now... but the music is good. And it has heart. It may be a bit melodramatic... but the songs are good... and, let's face it, a majority of musicals are MELODRAMATIC. So it works. :)

I made this for Courtney. She loves Glee too. :)

Random sidenote that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this... if I get called "dude" one more time, I am going to kill someone in the face... twice. It's been less than a month and I'm already about to snap. I need friends. Like real ones. That are not the people I currently live with. But seriously DUDE what are you? A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
Also. If you have to ask me if I'm grumpy... chances are. I'm not. I'm just annoyed with you, the asker. I typically know when I'm grumpy... and I generally let people know so they can avoid me if they so desire. If you get all up in my grill, however, I am not usually "grumpy" in general. Just annoyed. Probably at you, the person who is wondering if I am grumpy. Just so you know.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 13

My Favorite Musician and Why.

Katie Martin. She's going to be famous one day. :) This is my favorite song of hers. (Maybe because it's dedicated to me... ?)

Courtney Cook. She's pretty much an amazing singer. And she's learning to play the guitar and she's getting super good. She already knows like a million songs. She's going to be famous one day too. (I wish I could show you a video of her... but I don't have one that I can put on here...)

I'm seriously not saying this because they're my friends either. They are both extremely talented. It's true.

Umm... Famouser musicians though... I really like MC Hammer. No lie. I do. Why? Don't know. Just do. It's Maddie Hunsaker's fault... though I'm not quite sure why it's her fault. Eh... other than that... I don't know. I like a lot of stuff. I like a lot a lot a lot of choral stuff. Umm... Yeah. Anything/Anyone good. None of that poopy I have a famous parent so I think I can sing stuff. But yeah. That's it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Town I Live In...

IDAHO FALLS! ...It's the bomb.

This Is IF in the Winter.

This is the way fun park that we all like to go to. :)

99.99999% of my pictures involve downtown. Because that's where it's at. We are hanging out being trolls beneath the bridge by the river. word.

I know the wings are gone... but they are such a big part of IF for me that I had to include them. I think they should get re-painted yes?

More of downtown. The cool train bridge over the river.

Random alleys downtown. Best place to play ever!

The Town I WISH I Lived In...

That's Right, LOGAN! With it's cemetery (that you can't really see in the picture... but it's there..)

fun buildings on the USU campus in which you can play on rolling chairs!

A great place for first time skiers...

Angie's!! Yum!

2nd Dam. And Great trees for climbing!

The Town In Which I Currently Reside...

Ice Skating? This picture is just from when I visited during Christmas... before I actually lived here.

Katie's House! ...And Dallon's... And Nate's... And Abi's... And Stephanie's... and Whitney's... And Nicole's...


Well that's it. My Dwelling places.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Make Up

In order to tell you what's in my make up bag... I would actually have to have one. I don't. I do sometimes wear Mascara. And I use my eyelash curler. I rarely wear eyeliner... and I don't usually wear eye shadow. That's pretty much it. Seriously.

So instead of rambling on about makeup I'm going to tell you about my STUPID English class. To be honest, I'm not really a fan of English classes in general but this one is definitely the worst. We don't even talk about English! We write for 15 minutes about our assigned political controversy and then spend the rest of the class talking about it. Last week it was drugs and this week it was health reform. If I wanted to take a class about politics, I would have taken a government class or something like that... but I want to talk about English. Thank you very much. It is the worst class I have ever had. Blech. And I've had some pretty bad classes (History from 1890-present... a humanities class all about global warming... and ants...)So yeah. That's really it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Day... 8? maybe. I forget.

I do not have pictures at the moment... BUUUUUT. My favorite places to eat are (in no particular order):

1. Buca Di Beppo. YUUUUUM.
2. Red Iguana. YUMMY!
3. My own house. :) ...even when it's just pb&j
4. Little ghetto places because they always have the BEST food.

...and if it's time for dessert then it's this Caribbean place with a Guava caramel dessert. yummy squared. ha.

So since that was short... let me tell you a little bit about my day. It is related to food, after all. Today in American Regional we were talking about the South. That's right, BARBECUE! Our recipes for today were:
* Carolina pulled pork sammich
* Slaw
* Fried Green Tomatoes
* Roasted Red Pepper sauce
* Potato salad
* Banana Pudding

My group decided to split things up since a lot of it took a long time to prep/cook/rest or what have you. Jess did our pork. She made the dry rub, the barbecue sauce and put the pork in the oven. She was also in charge of basting it every so often. She also made the roasted red pepper sauce and mayonnaise for the potato salad and slaw. Good deal. She did a lot and worked hard. Shayna only made the banana pudding. That's it. In a 4 hour class... AND she didn't even make angel food cake for it... just used nilla wafers. I was getting Frrrrrustrated.
I set to work on making the slaw and the potato salad. I made the MOST BEAUTIFUL hard boiled eggs I have ever seen... there was not a single hint of that green/grey ring around the yolk... and they were cooked PERFECTLY. I was quite proud of myself to be honest. :) So I did all the prep work for those... and there was a lotttt of prep work. By the time I was done with that Jess had finished the mayonnaise for me so I could put them together. I got them in the fridge and started getting our station cleaned up. We were a little behind on dishes so I gathered them up and washed them. Then it was time to start the tomatoes. I made the marinade and sliced the tomatoes. We didn't know they were supposed to marinate for about a half hour... so we didn't quite have time for that. But it was all good. I then breaded them... it said just to stick them straight from the marinade to the flour/corn meal mixture... so I did. But then they didn't look like they had enough I double breaded them. GOOD CHOICE. The groups that didn't... had soggy and not very pretty tomatoes. MINE WERE BEAUTIFUL!!! :) :) Chef thought they were great too. :) He liked ALL of my dishes today!!! (even though my red cabbage in my slaw it was the color of Barney... he said it still tasted good). It's days like today that remind me why I am actually in culinary school. I know accidents happen and I'm at school to learn... but it just feels so great to do a good job sometimes!

So... I will upload pictures later... I'm too tired to do it right now. Even though I get to sleep in for an hour because I have class at 8 instead of 7 tomorrow!!! I never thought I would be excited for an 8 am class... let alone think of it as my "late" class. but so is life I guess..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Thing I Purchased

Other than groceries... the last thing I purchased was... A way sweet WITCHES HAT. I'm going to a Witches Tea Party on Friday so I needed a way sweet Witches costume. :)

Today in my life... I went to Nicholas and Co. for a field trip with my purchasing class. It was SO cool. It's like a warehouse place where they store food for all these major restaurants and food places. They send stuff to Subway and Burger King (those are their major places) in Utah... and good ole IF! So soon some of the boxes I saw today could be consumed by you! ha. We also did an herb/spice tasting. It was nice to be able to learn how to recognize various items.. like chervil. What the heck is that?! It tastes like licorice. But not the yummy red kind. Gross black licorice. eew. But it's apparently really good with like creams and stuff. I dunno. haha.
Oh and today I learned how to have a real southern catfish fry! Well... as "real southern" as someone living in Utah can get. It wasn't that bad... even though I'm not really a very big fan of fish. It was better than salmon though. :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SIng... Sing A Song.

A song to match my mood.

Well to start off... my mood is... Happy. Tonight was super fun. WAHOO. Great food. Great Friends. :) Good stuff.

My song is...

I got a feeling - black eyed peas


Shine - the morning of


Bust a Move - the glee version not the real one... because there is a difference. Even though they are both good.


Can't Touch This - MC HAMMER

I think that's it. :) Why those? I don't know. They're the ones that popped into my head. haha.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 6

My dream wedding.

I honestly haven't thought about it. AT ALL. I always tell people I want to tie-dye my wedding dress (that hasn't gone over well with everyone) but that's all I've even said. Ha. Oh I do know I want chocolate covered strawberries on the top of my cake... dipped and decorated to look like they are wearing a dress/tux. I saw it in a magazine once (not that I generally look at wedding magazines... I was working in a Bridal shop) and I just thought it was cute. It is pretty much the only thing I know though. I don't have colors, flowers, ring, etc. figured out yet... and to be honest,I probably won't know what I want even while it's happening.

Well since that was lame I guess I can tell you about my weekend! Yesterday was GREAT. I got to see Cami Jo and Stephanie (some of my roomies from last year). They were home for fall break so we decided to meet up! We went to California Pizza Kitchen. YUM. We got Hawaiian Barbecue Chicken and Meat Cravers. Both sooo good (though I must admit I liked the Hawaiian one better). Then we walked around a bit to let our food settle so we could have room for cheesecake factory cheesecake. We made the mistake of getting 3 different kinds.. That is a LOT of cheesecake! But it was all soooo goood! I recommend their peanut butter chocolate one. SOOO good. ...I mostly liked it because it doesn't taste like cheesecake. Not the biggest fan... though I'm starting to get over that a little bit... but it has to have other stuff with it or I still don't like it. Ha. If my family reads this they will be really confused... they know I really really don't usually like cheesecake. But anyway, it was a GREAT night and I wish it had never ended!!

Hopefully today will be a good day too. :) I think I'm going to convince my roommate Kristi that we need to FINALLY attack the apple crisp in our fridge... since I bought ice cream and everything. :) Yummy. :) Fresh apples from my tree at home in Idaho! SO GOOD SO GOOD!

Well that's all I've got for you today. I need to go like... take a shower and stuff. ha. I watched Harry Potter this morning instead of getting ready. Go me. (It made me realize that I have only seen 1 - 4. Don't worry. Now I've seen 5 and 6 should be coming in the mail soon. Thanks Netflix!) I'm so behind. But I've read all the books... except for maybe the last one. I don't remember if I read that one or not. But I have it at my house so maybe I will have to read/reread it once I finish the movies?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pets require petting....

Day 6. If I could have any pet...

To be honest.. I'm not really a pet person. I never really had them growing up (except a hamster... but all they ever really did were pee on me and run on their wheels until the wee hours of the morning). My roommate has a dog though... so I'm becoming one.. sort of. :)

But I think this pet would be great. So little care involved. It's fabulous.

I also think that a dinosaur (a nice one of course) would be a way cool pet! How many people (other than the Flinstones) can say they have a pet dinosaur?! It would be neat. (I'm also mourning the loss of my dinosaur shaped cookie cutter named Alberto that I took to my baking class today so we could have cool shaped sugar cookies but then a boy in another group borrowed it and now he's missing! Alberto... not the boy who borrowed it... WAHH!)

Yeah. That's how cool I am. Pet rock. Dinosaur. Woo.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

2 Years Ago... wow.

Day 5. A picture of yourself two years ago

By two years ago do you mean literal years or school years? Because that makes a big difference. 2 years ago in year time would be Oct. 2008. And 2 years ago in school time is my senior year. So whaddaya want?? I will do a mixture I guess.

So I am pretty sure this was a little longer than 2 years ago... but I really wasn't into taking pictures like I am now. This was the summer of 2008... that's close enough right? I spent my summer in New York with some friends I met the year before. It was such a great memory! :)

Katie, Mary, and I had so many great times in choir! I'm not sure which year all our pictures are from so I just picked a couple. They're from '08 or '09. I forget which hair Katie had at what time. :)

People who don't believe I ever had long hair... LOOK! The proof! ...It is so much better short though, huh?! I know... it's because sometimes I actually do something with it so it doesn't look like POOP! But on another, less poopy subject, Heather and Miranda were my go to girls in '08. I hung out with them literally every day.

I only picked this picture because it emphasizes my signature look back in the day when I had hair: never doing it. It looked gross. And I'm surprised anyone wanted to be my friend. The truth is... not much has changed... I still don't know anything about making hair look cute... but at least now that it's short it looks almost decent (except when I have to wear my chef hat and have hat hair all day). But yes. That's why this gross and disgusting picture is in here. Please don't judge. :)

These are probably a little closer to the actual time desired in this post. Gondoliers. Hated it. Loved it. Learned a lot. And made some really great friends from it. I loved acting crazy with the musical theatre kids... and goofing off and getting in trouble. My favorite memories are probably the sea monster story, Lynda's mom calling me a whore and then the director telling me she loved everything I was doing, and that time those people were making out behind the set and it was super gross. Oh, and of course that epic battle most of the girls had over being partners with Greg in every scene because everyone was super in love with him. bahaha.

Sadies. Ha. Fun. Awkward. Crazy. DELICIOUS. We had such a random group... even though most of us were in Gondoliers. But it was pretty intense. CALZONES. Yum. :) All our hair looked good though... with our gondoliers hair and makeup. YES!

Well... that was more than one picture, but that's what you get. ha. :) I hope you enjoyed this little trip into my "past" ...because 2 years ago was oh so very far away. But whatever.

Ciao. Adios. Aloha.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So my day was UBER Crazy yesterday So... I'm going to do days 3 and 4 today. Then I will tell you more about my wonderful life. Anyway. Onwards.

Day 3

I can easily describe the perfect first date in three easy words. They are: ACTUALLY. HAVING. ONE.
Yep. That's pretty much all I need. I'm not picky. But yeah... actually having a first date with someone would be okay by me. I'm a loser and I've never really been there, done that. Welcome to loserville. Population ME and that creepy kid that sat behind you in Math last year...

Day 4. Oh boy. This one is rough. In order to do that, you would actually have to have friends. :S I lack in that department. oh yeah. Just kidding actually. Because everyone loves me! Yeah! That's right! Be jealous. Okay. On to pictures now.

Katie Wan John Silver has been my friend for a loooong time. We've been tight since the days of elementary... I even went to her birthday party one time. We played in her backyard. And ate cake. And chips. I remember very clearly. Our relationship can best be described by two words. You will probably not understand when I tell you what words these are... unless of course you do understand. But those words are... Banana. and Producers. That's all there is to it. :)
No one ever made me feel like someone... Til John. Life was really nothing but a glum one... Til John.... She filled up my empty life. Filled it to the brim. There could never ever be another one like John

This is my friend Weird Al... who occasionally goes by Maddie. I love her to pieces. She was the best co-author of girls camp songs a girl could ever ask for. She still inspires my music writing ability and I would be no where without her. She fills my heart with gladness takes away all my sadness... And she fills my day with youtube videos. She has a knack. Yes indeed. I love her so much. Always have. Always will. And if you don't like it... (I know it's because you're jealous)... then you can just go eat a big helping of I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I LOVE HER AN THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERSpie with a big dollop of SO THERE on the top. :)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is my dear friend Nate. He likes long walks on the beach, hot tubbing, convincing people it's his birthday when it really isn't, being a heck of a lot smarter than you, and of course, re-enacting his favorite scenes from "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels."
Why is there a cork on the fork?
May I go to the bathroom... thhhhank you
Even though Nate is thoroughly convinced we will never see each other again after he goes on his mission (which I found out today is February 16th and he's going to Mexico...even though HE'S NOT EVEN THE ONE WHO TOLD ME! GAH!) I still count him as one of my best friends... because I'm just that kind of a person and I love him anyway.

Steven and Justin. Oh can I just tell you how many times I hung out with these boys. It was a lot. I loved those nights when the three of us would just chill in my basement and Justin and I would beat Steven at pool... or we would play Call of Duty... and Justin always won. Or their epic battles with each other... including Steven's HULK moment! They are seriously some of my favorite people in the whole world and I love them with my whole heart.
Flip me I'm getting Crispy!

Coin Slot!

Abi and Katie. Oh can I tell you how amazing these girls are. They truly helped me exist my freshman year of college. All our late night randomness was the best. Our long heart to hearts. Our talk about boys... ^_^ and other random assorted things that should not really be brought up in a public place! :) ha! I have some of the best memories with these girls!
Abi: Eating ice cream in our Hawaiian hideaway beneath the pool table, making and eating egg free cookie dough, talking so late that we could barely get you home because we were both so tired!
Katie: Making our way awesome message in a bottle, taking pictures in my scary apartment, being hippies in trees, Psych, Pineapple Wednesday!

Cami Jo is one of the nicest, sweetest, and most amazing people in the world. Without her as my roommate last year, I never would have survived. Nope. Not at all. We cooked together, we bought shoes together, we prepped linger longers together. I love her so much it is ridiculous. I love her crazy self, and yet admire her ability to like... do homework. I still need to work on that. I love love love her craziness and her love of cooking. I wish she was at culinary school with me! Get your butt over here Cami Jo!

Courtney my lost boy brother. I miss her terribly when I'm not with her. It makes raindrops fall from all the usually puffy clouds. We have so much fun together... even though she steals boyfriends. :) We have the best inside jokes, the best secrets, and the most fun a person could have when we're together. She is my brother... and the only person to whom I will send clips of myself singing. I love talking to her, being around her. I also love the fact that she's crazy (in all the best ways) and not afraid to be herself. She is so great. ...Except for when she picks her nose in public... unless she draws pictures of me with it. haha. :) I LOVE YOU!

The Three Musketeers!
Yest I know Katie is on here already... but I LOVE this picture of Dallon, Katie, and Me. Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The three musketeers. :) Can I just tell you how much fun I have with these people. They are some of the greatest friends I have, had, and ever will have. They are always there for me... even when it's really super late. I loved all our late night conversations. Our epic picture adventures. Exploring Utah State. Watching that one building being built. Playing super smash and super mario. Having the best time ever. I love writing letters to Dallon (especially joint letters with katie) and visiting Katie in Logan. I loved our adventures in Riverton and Logan... and exchanging stories of our adventures around the world. I love serving as Quartermaster alongside First Mate Katie and Cap'n Dallon. I love our long talks and everything we do, have done, and will do together.

There you have it kids, my best friends. I know there are a lot. But I love them all and really just couldn't pick only one favorite. I love them all way too much. They are all amazing. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

And now... about my day. It was CRAZY! I had class from 7 am to noon. Where we made DELICIOUS food. We made roast duck. Spaghetti squash. Applesauce cake. and a whole cornucopia of other delectable items. After that I went home and did my homework. After that I went with my roommate Kristi to a print shop where the guy asked if her photography was going in a gallery! She's that good! Really, she is! Then we headed to Hobby Lobby to pick out a good frame. After that, we met Stacy at Chili's for a great roommate dinner! We then went to Halloween City so Stacy could pick out a mask for the masquerade ball she's going to. She picked a good one that will look really good with her dress! We accidentally missed the relief society "sweet moments" activity... even though I made apple crisp for it. ooops! So I guess we will have to eat the apple crisp ourselves! yummy! Well, after we got back from Halloween city our neighbor came over! She was locked out!! She tried calling maintenance to help her but they weren't coming very quickly. So we called Travis... who brought his roommate to pick the lock. Which he did. I was amazed and now I want to learn how to do it... in case Kristi or Stacy decide to lock me out! I doubt they will... but you never know. Then Stacy and I got hyper. Yeah... that was crazy. But not as crazy as the night we were both hyper and embarrassed Travis by posing for pictures like we were about to kiss him. :) It was great. But anyway, that's my rambling about my life portion!

Ciao. Adios. Aloha.