Sunday, August 28, 2011

It doesn't mean that you LIKE candy it just means that YOU WANT SOME!

"I know it's green but what else is about it?" "A pinch of salt, a lot of love and lots and lots of tofu!" "What the freak just happened?" "I have one question so guess! GUESS! GUESS! GUESS! Time is running out!"
Hi kids. :) I am finally updating my blog. I feel like life has suddenly gone crazy with it being the end of summer and everything. We have all realized that school is starting (tomorrow in my case) and we have to pack all of the stuff we wanted to do this summer into these last few days. It has been stressful and a blast all in one. So, here's what I've been up to.

Yesterday was an absolutely GREAT day. I got to spend it with some (though not all) of my best friends. And some that weren't there physically were there in spirit. :) But I guess I should start at the beginning.

A while ago I was introduced to a little thing called "kid history." These hilarious videos had me laughing so hard I cried. They are hilarious. Go look them up on youtube. Well, a little while after we had been introduced, I became a fan on facebook. The kid history facebook page informed me of a Kid History PREMIERE! In OREM! So close to me! Unfortunately, the event was completely sold out before I could get tickets. BLAST. :( But I kept watching, kept laughing, and kept falling in love with this hilarious group of family and friends. Lo and behold, facebook alerted me to an ALL NEW kid history episode! And the premiere was going to be in Murray! Not as close as Orem, but close enough. So I called my friend Beth (who also loves kid history) and informed her we were going. I purchased four tickets and got a group together. But... the fun doesn't stop there!

On Friday, I got this crazy idea to make a shirt for the event. Why? Because I can and I didn't make one for the Harry Potter premiere. But I didn't want some lame ironed on quote of kid history, no. I was going to Personalize it. I picked one of my favorite Kid History quotes (This was the hardest part... there are so many) "Girls are mermaids. Some boys are mermaids too." And I made a shirt. With me as a mermaid. And with my dear friend Steven as a mermaid because I knew he wouldn't mind being a mermaid on my shirt! (Don't worry I got permission first). I spent the entire day working on it. I (finally) learned how to use photoshop just to make this shirt. Boy it was a LOOOOONG process! But "I did it! I really did it! I really really did it!"

Anyway, Saturday I went to the premiere. I waited in a lot of lines, laughed my head off, saw an ADORABLE proposal, waited in more lines, got my shirt signed, and got some pictures. The premiere was AMAZING. We were told all of the REAL stories and shown all of the kid history videos. We also saw the premiere of "kid remix." Not quite as funny as kid history... but it was alright. Overall, it was an amazing experience. If you feel like you missed out (and you should feel like you missed out) then watch my video or I will steer... steal... your birthday stuff! and you can be part of the action too! :)
Well my computadora is dying. So I must be off! Chao. (That's the Spanish version... not a misspelling of the Italian just so you know).

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