Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One day I'll be at least as famous as them... maybe more so

Well, Hello. Everyone else is apparently blogging again. It must be the new year or something, right? Anyway, I thought it would be fun to update everyone on my life. Woo. So I'm going to attempt to do this in a series of out of order blog posts. Today, I'm going to tell you what happened today. Later, I will tell you what happened earlier. See where I'm going with this? And then even later after that probably, I'm going to tell you what happens later. Coolio? So let's get started shall we?

Today, the cool dudes from The Buried Life came to UVU. If you don't know what the Buried Life is... then google it. Or watch it on netflix. Or read my brief explanation. If you know already, then skip this paragraph. My brief explanation: The Buried Life is these guys who decided to try and do all the things on their bucket list and film it all. They have a show on MTV. You can watch it on netflix as mentioned earlier. Also, when they do something on their list, they help a random stranger complete something on their list. That's pretty cool, right? Yeah.

Well, today they came to UVU to give us an inspirational little pep-talk. woot. It was pretty sweet. They pretty much told us to live our dreams and to turn them into "projects" because those are easier to complete than dreams. They also showed us a bit of their journey from a bunch of college kids to breaking into the playboy mansion and playing basketball with President Obama. They kept telling us how regular people can do "impossible" things. It was pretty sweet. And inspirational.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have this knack for meeting sudo famous people. I got a chance to meet and greet them after their presentation and they were pretty cool. Here are some pictures.

This kinda blurry picture is from their presentation. 
This is me and the guys and 10 other random people. They were kind of trying to hurry us along. But Jonnie (in the green plaid shirt) has his arm around me. I feel pretty cool.

Well, that's really all the exciting stuff that's happened and it's not really that exciting. :) Really I just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead. So... I'm alive. Very much alive... mostly because I haven't finished my bucket list yet, so I can't die. But yeah. I hope you enjoyed this little update.

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