Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ah... Life.

Life is...
Crazy. Hectic. Insane. Busy. Fun. Stressful. Chaotic. Awesome. Dumb. Funny. Tiring. Energizing. Ridiculous. All at once.

I'm sitting here at school, where I've been since 9:30 this morning... and I'll be here for at least 2 more hours, and I should be doing homework or looking up stuff for my freshman advocates or learning math, or talking on the phone to my mom, or something.. productive. But am I? OF COURSE NOT! Who does that anyway?

Instead, I'm sitting here in the Losee center next to the tv screen that is showing UVU's ballroom team on dancing with the stars for the umpteenth time and eating strawberry flavored applesauce that I bought at winco and my brain is just way too tired to do anything except ramble to you on this here blog that no one really reads. I don't even think Courtney Cook reads it anymore because she gave up on me. So maybe I'm just writing this for myself because my brain is sick of homework and life and I just can't grasp mathematical concepts right now. Ah. Life.

They won the dancing with the stars college competition by the way.

But, I promised you an update about my life... whoever YOU are. :) Life is great and insanely crazy all at once. If I'm not working on homework (or sitting with my homework in my lap zoning off into the distance) I'm probably... doing something else. ha. I have a job. That I love. And I don't work NEARLY enough. I haven't really worked since... the beginning of January. IT SUCKS. I get paid to mingle with people. I'm really good at that. I give campus tours and could tell you a million things about UVU that you never cared to know. And I could tell you how to get anywhere on campus. I could even tell you how far away Mongolia is from a certain point on campus. But then again, if you just looked at the arrow, you could probably tell me that too. I just got comments back from my first tour. No one said anything like "Hey Amy Jo, you suck! You should really get a life! Or crawl under a rock!" I guess that's a good thing. Most of the comments were pretty mundane... "Good for a first go!" "You're pretty cool." All that kind of stuff. One of the questions asked is "What is your orientation leader good at?" One of my responses? "Talking a lot." Thanks punk. But anyway, if they let me... I think I would be a serious workaholic. Good thing that they only let me work 10 hours a week at the most-ish. :(

Other than that, my life will soon be consumed with Freshman Advocates. I volunteer to help a couple of students out that are struggling to adjust to college life. It's cool. I feel pretty legitimate because I bought some of those file folders that people paperclip information into to look incredibly professional and cool. Mine are sweet and they look really awesome, especially with my brightly colored triangle, square, and circle paperclips. Yeah. I'm cool. But my girls are really sweet. I'm so far loving being a freshman advocate. It's a good thing I'm an orientation leader or I would know absolutely NOTHING about campus resources!

Random update on life. My friend Shelly has forced me to stop washing my hair every day. I know, you are either gasping to yourself and thinking "What?! you actually wash your hair EVERY day?" or you're gasping and thinking to yourself, "What?! you don't wash your hair every day?" It's a crazy endeavor. Shelly is trying to save me time... so that maybe I can actually have some sometimes. ha. But it's weird. And greasy. sometimes. But it's getting better. But I still struggle. That first day was AWFUL! My mother would have been appalled at what my hair looked like when I went to school. Now I'm to the point where I don't even notice... oh my goodness I just saw a girl with THE CUTEST pixie cut I have ever seen. I wish my hair looked like that... but then I'd have to go back to washing it again. heh. HAIR. Blech. Let's all chop it off. But Shelly says the boys like it long... so I guess that's what I'm doing. Not really. I'm just way too cheap to deal with the upkeep of short hair these days. or something. I don't know. RAMBLE RAMBLE. I need to stop this nonsense.

Instead... Here's a picture... a sideways one of me shooting a confetti cannon on my birthday. In november. Ha. YAY.

Okay, I have to go to class. Adios!


  1. Amy Jo ... I read your blog and I love it!!! You always make me laugh :) Good luck with school and that not washing your hair thing!

  2. I TOTALLY STILL READ YOUR BLOG MISSY!!!! :) Love you dearest.
